The Northern Marches




Province Law Temples Guilds
Bjondrig (1/4) [5/10] RT (0), SH (1) OA (1) SH (1)
Dharilein (1/4) [3/12] RT (1) NIT (1) AD (1)
Giant's Fastness (1/4) [3/10] RT (1), MB (0) NIT (1) MB (1)
Hidaele (2/3) [3/15] RT (1) NIT (2) BA (2)
Nolien (3/2) [10/16] RT (2), SH (0) NRC (3) SH (3)
Riveside (2/3) [6/12] RT (2), SH (0) OA (2) SH (2)
Romiene (1/4) [4/10] RT (1) OA (1) BA (1)
Ruidewash (2/5) [1/15] RT (1) NIT (1), NRC (1) AD (2)
Sidhuire (2/5) [4/18] RT (1) NIT (2), NRC (0) AD (2)
Soniele (1/6) [4/12] RT (1), MB (0) OA (1) MB (1)
Sonnelind (4/3) [9/25] RT (4), MB (0) NRC (3), NIT (1) AD (4)
Tradebhein (2/5) [2/15] RT (2), MB (0) NRC (2) MB (2)

Abbreviations: SH= Storm Holtson (Stjordvik Traders); OA = Oaken Grove of Aeric (Gunther Brandt); RT = Rhuimach Taeline (Dhoesone); NIT = Northeren Imperial Temple of Haelyn; AD = Adaere Doneim (Northern Imports and Exports); BA = Bannier Andien (Andien and Sons); NRC = Northern Reformed Church of Sarimie (Larra Nielems); MB = Mheallie Bireon (Stonecrown Coster, Soerce of the Maesil, Northlands Exchange).

Gorgon's Crown

Province Law Temples Guilds
Abattoir (3/6) [6/25] Go (3) -- --
Anathar (1/6) [3/10] Go (1) HOA (1) --
Elfseyes (2/7) [2/15] Go (2) -- --
Jogh Warren (3/3) [6/16] Go (3) -- --
Kal - Saitharak (4/5) [12/25] Go (4) HOA (4) --
Mettle (2/4) [2/18] Go (2) -- --
Motile (2/3) [1/15] Go (2) -- --
Mutian's Point (1/6) [3/10] Go (1) HOA (1) --
Orog's Head (2/5) [0/10] Go (2) -- --
Pelt (1/6) [4/10] Go (1) -- --
Plumbago (2/5) [1/15] Go (2) -- --
Sage's Fen (2/5) [3/12] Go (2) HOA (2) --
Sere's Hold (2/4) [4/15] Go (2) -- --
Sideath (2/7) [2/15] Go (2) HOA (2) --
Stone's End (1/6) [5/10] Go (1) HOA (1) --
Sunder Falls (1/4) [3/8] Go (1) HOA (1) --
Zaptig (2/5) [2/15] Go (2) -- --

Abbreviations: Go = the Gorgon; HOA = Hand of Azari (Hand of Azari).


Province Law Temples Guilds
Avallaigh (2/6) [5/15] Fh (1), RT (1) - MB (2)
Bhindraith (2/6) [2/18] Fh (2) - TT (0), MB (2)
Braethindyr (4/5) [4/30] Fh (2), RT (2) - TT (2), AD (2)
Cwmbheir (6/5) [4/35] Fh (4), RT (2) - AD (3), MB (2)
Cymryr (3/5) [3/24] Fh (3) - TT (1)
Dhonwaghmiere (3/5) [3/24] Fh (3) - TT (0)
Llyrandor (2/6) [2/18] Fh (2) - TT (0)

Abbreviations: RT = Rhuimach Taeline (Dhoesone); MB = Mheallie Bireon (Stonecrown Coster, Source of the Maesil, Northlands Exchange); AD = Adaere Doneim (Northern Imports and Exports); Fh = Fhileraene; TT = Tuarhievel Traders


Province Law Temples Guilds
Mhelliviene (5/2) [3/30] Blessed for 3.x MB (3), EG (2) NRC (5), HA (0) MB (5)
Mountainsedge (3/4) [7/20] Blessed for 3.x MB (2), EG (1) NRC (3), HA (0) MB (3)
Riverford (6/1) [12/24] Blessed for 3.x MB (3), EG (2) NRC (5), OA (0) MB (5)

Abbreviations: MB = Mheallie Bireon (Stonecrown Coster, Source of the Maesil, Northlands Exchange); NRC = Northern Reformed Church of Sarimie (Larra Nielems); EG= Entier Gladanil (Cariele); HA = Haelyn Aegis (Antia Maricoere); OA = Oaken Grove of Aeric (Gunther Brandt).

The Five Peaks

Province Law Temples Guilds
The Gorge (3/4) [0/24] -- -- --
Floodspaeth (3/6) [1/24] Blessed for 3.x -- NRC (2) --
Helmshaven (3/4) [1/24] -- VFP --
Puinol (3/4) [2/24] AH (0) NRC (1) UAT (0), AD (0)
Sufhanie (4/1) [3/20] -- -- --
Thasbyrn (3/4) [1/24] -- HTC --
Torain (3/4) [0/24] -- HTC --

Abbreviations: AH = Aahz Hak'Nir (Thurazor); VFP = Vos of the Five Peaks (unknown); HTC = Hidden temple of Cuiraecen (Linnias Baccaere); NRC = Northeren Reformed Church; AD =Adaere Doneim (Northern Imports and Exports)

*Holding levels are unknown.


Province Law Temples Guilds
Brushfire (2/3) [4/15] Go, RF HOA (0) Go
Dwarf's Hold (4/1) [5/25] Go, RF HOA (2), ATM (2) Go
Elfsdemise (3/2) [10/20] Go, RF HOA (2), ATM (1) Go
Periltrees (3/2) [2/20] Go, RF HOA (3), ATM (0) Go
Riverspring (3/2) [2/16] Occupied Go, RF HOA (1), ATM (0) Go
Shattered Hills (4/1) [8/20] Occupied Go, RF HOA (3), ATM (1) Go
Sutren Hills (0/4) [3/5] Go - Go

Abbreviations: Go = the Gorgon; HOA = Hand of Azari (Hand of Azari); RF = Razzik Fanggrabber (Markazor); ATM = Approved Temple of Markazor (unknown).

*Holding levels are unknown.


Province Law Temples Guilds
Crushing Rock (5/4) [4/30] Go, GoT MF, HOA Go
Fallen Rock (3/6) [2/20] Go, GoT MF, HOA Go

Abbreviations: Go= the Gorgon; MF= Moradin's Forge (Ruarch Rockhammer); Got= Godar Thurinson (Mur-Kilad); HOA= Hand of Azrai; PM= Peak Mage.

*Holding levels are unknown.


Province Law Temples Guilds
Bloodbay (2/5) [4/15] AH GTr AD
Crushing Hills (3/4) [3/20] AH GTr GTh
Doom's Peak (2/6) [2/15] AH GTr AD
Falling Timber (4/3) [4/25] AH, AD GTr, HTC AD, GTh
Mergarrote (4/3) [8/20] AH, GTh GTr, HTC AD, GTh
Storm's Release (3/4) [4/20] AH GTr AD, GTh

Abbreviations: AH = Aahz Hak'Nir (Thurazor); GTr = Goblins' Triumph (Karl Two-Toes); AD =Adaere Doneim (Northern Imports and Exports); GTh = Gaelin Thuried (Upper Aniure Traders); HTC = Hidden Temple of Cuiraecen (Linnias Baccaere).

*Holding levels are unknown.

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