Wizard Realm Spells used in Dawn

Battlespells used in Dawn

Alchemy, 1st level caster

Regency: Special
Gold: 1GB
Required Source: 3
Duration: Permanent
A mage can create wealth by spending Regency Points to transform worthless substances into valuables. For each 4RP the mage spends, he generates 1 Gold Bar of wealth. The effect is instantaneous at the conclusion of the spell. Alchemy can be cast only once per domain turn. The materials and components for the spell cost 1GB.

Dispel realm magic, 1st level caster

Regency: Special
Gold: 1GB
Required Source: 1
Duration: Special
This spell allows a mage regent to counter the effects of any other realm spell in the same manner that a dispel magic works against routine spells. The regency cost is equal to the regency cost that was spent on the target spell. (If the dispel is to affect one province of a multi-province spell, only the cost of one province is incurred.) Both casters may bid additional RP to determine whether the dispel is successful. Dispel realm magic can even cancel the alternative use of this spell described below. Dispel realm magic can be cast upon a province to protect it from possible realm spells. In this use, the protection lasts one domain turn (effectively, three action rounds) per three levels of the caster. The RP expenditure determines the power of spells the dispel will prevent: for example, if the caster spends 20RP, the dispel will prevent incoming spells cast with 20RP or less. If an incoming spell were cast with 21 or more RP, the dispel would be cancelled and the incoming spell would take effect. This use prevents realm spells and halts the spread of effects such as death plague, but it does not prevent a conjured or animated army from entering the province and it does not prevent casting of conventional (non- realm) spells.

Scry, 1st level caster

Regency: Special.
Gold: 1GB
Required Source: 1
Duration: Instantaneous.
The scry spell allows a wizard to peer outside his domain and take equivalent of an espionage action hundreds of miles away. The regency cost varies with the distance of the target province from the caster's own domain. The spell costs 5RP plus 3RP for each province of separation; spying on a province five areas away from the wizard's domain costs 20RP. Only the information-gathering aspect of espionage may be used; the wizard can't create random events or rescue people. If the target of the scry spell is a wizard, he may spend RP against the caster to try to make the spell fail. Otherwise, it is automatically successful.

Subversion, 1st level caster

Regency: Special
Gold: 2GB
Required Source: 1
Duration: 1 action round.
By employing a magical campaign of charms and suggestions, a wizard can force on holding, province, army, or lieutenant belonging to another regent to take a domain or free action (regardless of whether such assets normally may take actions). He could force a group of military units to declare war and invade a neighboring land; he could use a holding to contest or agitate; or he could use a holding to contest or agitate; or he could instigate almost any kind of mayhem. Subversion is limited to one discrete action, and it will affect a target regent regardless of whether he has already performed an action in the current round. A cost of 3RP per level of holding, province, or character level of a lieutenant is required to subvert it; a cost of 5RP per army unit is required. The victim regent may bid RP against the casting wizard to negate the effects. The wizard can, of course, spend RP to help the spell succeed. The opponent who spends more regency controls whether the spell succeeds.

Detect ley line, 2nd level caster

Regency: 1RP
Gold: 1GB
Required Source: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
This realm spell enables a wizard to learn the locations of all ley lines passing through a given province. The wizard may examine ley lines in two provinces per experience level; thus, a 5th-level caster may learn the locations of all ley lines in 10 provinces. The provinces need not be adjacent. To activate the spell, the wizard must spend at least one week visiting the manifestation of one of his sources. During that time, the mage draws (to the best of his ability) a map of the area he wishes to examine. He may bring any sketches, drawings, or notes to assist him, but the map must be drawn on a specially created sheet of parchment using particular inks and quills. The provinces to be examined are then highlighted with an ink containing powdered sielshegh. The spell must be cast in the province containing the manifestation the wizard visited to prepare the map. When the casting is completed, the map must lie undisturbed. Magical energy the permanently etches the various ley lines into the map. The etched lines do not indicate the owner of the ley lines, and ancient ley lines are displayed along side those of contemporary creation.

Royal Façade, 2nd level caster

Regency: 2RP
Gold: Special
Required Source: 2
Duration: Special
This realm spell, employed by the wealthiest of wizards, transforms an existing castle, tower, fortification, or building of virtually any kind into an aesthetic marvel. A palace might be transformed to look as if it were built entirely of shimmering crystals, a castle might be altered to look like solid gold, a tower might be changed to look as if it were built of altering blocks of jade and coral, or a fortress might be altered to appear to be made of jagged shards of obsidian. The transformation will likely reflect the taste and personality of the caster. A façade created by an elf wizard will probably look very different from one created by a Vos; and evil wizard might use the spell to give his tower a frightening appearance. The spell does not affect the perceived size or configuration of the structure, only the material from which it appears to be built. Structures influenced by this spell also benefit from enhanced strength; they are treated as thick stone for all purposes (unless the building is crafted of a better material, in which case the better value prevails). The façade also lends a bonus to court cost expenditures. Structures affected by royal façade are automatically treated as one level higher than the actual court maintenance spent on them; thus, a regent whose palace is level 3, now counts as a level 4 palace for all purpouses. A regent whose castle is affected by royal façade also gains a +1 bonus to diplomacy actions attempted within the structure. If cast on another's behalf, transforming the structure costs an amount equal to the original construction of the building; thus, a castle costing 30 Gold Bars would cost another 30 Gold Bars to affect with this spell. A wizard casting royal façade on his own structure pays one-half the original cost, 15GB for the 30GB castle. A building affected by this spell can be occupied normally; the dwelling is equally as beautiful inside and out. The enchantment is permanent if placed upon an existing permanent structure. If placed upon a building created by the stronghold realm spell, the royal façade lasts three action rounds per level of the casting wizard.

Trace ley line, 2nd level caster

Regency: 1RP
Gold: 1GB
Required Source: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell functions in all respects like the detect ley line spell, with one important difference: When the wizard creates a map of the region he intends to study, he marks any portion of any single ley line he knows to exist. Upon casting the spell, instead of etching all ley lines in the vicinity, the magic etches the entire length of the indicated ley line, to a maximum of two provinces per caster level. The magic maps all hook-ups and bends in the indicated ley line. The wizard must cast the spell in the same province as the manifestation he visits to create the map, but he may trace a ley line anywhere on that map regardless of size.

Battle Fury, 3rd level caster

Regency: 1RP/unit
Gold: 1GB/unit
Required Source: 2
Duration: 3 Action Rounds.
Battle Fury, by inspiring military troops to fight passionately with little regard for personal safety, improves the movement rating, melee rating, and charge rating of one War Card unit by 1 point. In the process, however, it decreases a unit's defense rating by 1 point. For example, a unit with movement rating of 1, melee rating of 3, charge rating of 5, and defense rating of 4 would be altered to ratings of 2, 4, 6, and 3, respectively. A wizard may affect two units per experience level. Units to be affected must be in the same province as the caster or in a province containing a ley line owned by the caster (regardless of whether is connects to the source in use).

Inflame, 3rd level caster

Regency: 1RP/unit
Gold: 1GB/unit
Required Source: 2
Duration: 3 Action Rounds
Similar to the battle fury realm spell, inflame can be cast to add 2 points to the charge or melee rating of a War Card unit. For example, if inflame is cast upon an orog infantry unit with a melee rating of 3, that score would be raised to 5. The caster chooses the statistic he wishes to affect at the time of casting. He may affect two units per level of experience. Units to be affected must be in the same province as the caster or in a province containing a ley line controlled by the caster (regardless of whether it connects to the source in use).

Demagogue, 3rd level caster

Regency: Special
Gold: 1GB
Required Source: 3
Duration: Special
This pervasive, subtle charm plays upon the fears and loyalties of a province, influencing the attitudes of its people toward its ruler. For each 5RP a wizard spends, he improves or worsens the loyalty grade of a province by one step. At 3rd level, he can affect one province; for every two levels beyond 3rd, he can affect one additional province (in other words, two provinces at 5th level, three at 7th level and so on). The change in loyalty occurs during the adjustment phase of the domain turn. The wizard must pay 5RP for each grade of loyalty affected in each province; casting a stable kingdom to rebellion could be very costly. The new loyalty level can be affected normally by various events.

Ley trap, 3rd level caster

Regency: 1/line
Gold: 1GB
Required Source: 3
Duration: 12 action rounds
Ley trap is designed to harm wizards who try to deactivate, sunder, or otherwise tamper with an affected ley line. The spell affects one ley line (regardless of length) and all associated hook-ups. The caster is immune to the harmful effects of the spell and may use the ley line at will. A wizard may cast this spell only on his own ley lines; he may not secretly cast ley trap on an enemy's lines as a "surprise." A wizard who tampers with a trapped ley line is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. Success means the wizard escapes injury but the tampering attempt works. Failure indicates the trap disrupts the wizard's spell; the tampering attempt fails and he suffers 1d6 points of damage multiplied by the level of the highest source on the line; thus, in the case of a ley line connected to a source (3), the victim would suffer 3d6 points of damage. Only one trap spell may be cast on a single ley line at one time, but up to six lines may be affected with a single spell.

Mask ley line, 3rd level caster

Regency: 6RP
Gold: 3GB
Required Source: 2
Duration: 12 action rounds
This powerful enchantment hides any or all ley lines belonging to the casting wizard. No method of location, including detect ley line and trace ley line, will reveal ley lines concealed by this spell. Ley lines are not hidden from the caster. A wizard may cast this spell on behalf of another wizard; in that event, all of the target wizard's ley lines are rendered undetectable to everyone but the caster and the owner of the ley lines.

Mass destruction, 3rd level caster

Regency: 10RP/unit
Gold: 5GB
Required Source: 5
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell can slay hundreds of enemies with a single awesome barrage of devastating fire, lightning, ice, energy, or poisonous vapor (wizard's choice). The mage can affect one enemy unit plus one unit per three levels: a 4th-level caster can destroy two, a 7th-level caster three, and so on. The target units must all be in the same province as the wizard who casts the spell. Each unit affected costs the wizard 10RP. Each target unit may attempt a morale check to lessen the effect; if it passes the check to lessen the effect; if it passes the check, the unit suffers only one hit of damage. Mass Destruction causes some coincidental property damage such as small fires or flooding; the DM should determine any effects. The wizard must be in sight of the army to be destroyed, but he can delay the spell's destructive effects for up to one week in order to reach the unit's location. If he leaves the province in which the spell was cast, the spell is lost.

Summoning, 3rd caster level

Regency: 5RP/unit
Gold: 2GB/unit
Required Source: 3
Duration: 1 month +1 week/caster level
Using a powerful variation of the monster summoning spell, a wizard creates an army of monstrous followers to do his bidding. Each summoned unit costs the mage 5 Regency Points. He can summon one unit for each three experience levels (one at 3rd, two at 6th, three at 9th, and so on). The troops that appear depend on the wizard's level, as shown below:
Level Troops
3 Goblin Skirmishers
4-6 Gnoll Marauders or Goblin Wolfriders
7-9 Goblin Guards or Gnoll Infantry
10+ Stonecrown Ogres
When the spell ends, the province in which the monsters disband automatically suffers a monsters or brigandage random event.

Protect Source, 4th caster level

Regency: 1RP/source level
Gold: 1GB/source level
Required Source: 1
Duration: Permanent
A wizard may protect his sources from damaging effects such as deplete mebhaighl and siphon mebhaighl with this spell. In addition, the source gains a saving throw vs. the poison source spell; a saving throw vs. spell is made at the level of the source. For example, a source (7) would save as a 7th-level wizard. Success prevents the poisoning; failure means that the poison is successful. Also, manifestations of the source gain the benefit of being surrounded by a wall of force. The spell costs 1RP and 1GB per level of the source to be protected; thus a wizard must spend 4RP and 4GB to protect a source (4). A further benefit of this spell allows a wizard to "bank" Regency Points in a source. The Regency Points may then be used to bid against actions (such as contest or rule) that would harm the source. If several sources are connected by ley lines, any source on the line may draw from this RP pool to defend itself. A wizard may add RP to this bank any time during the spell's duration. If the protect source spell is ever canceled, any banked RP revert to the caster. The spell is permanent unless removed with a limited wish or wish. The death of the caster also cancels the spell. If control of the source is transferred to another individual, the source rolls a saving throw vs. spell as a wizard of the new regent's level. Success indicates that the spell remains intact; failure means the spell is canceled.

Transport, 5th caster level

Regency: 4RP/unit
Gold: 1GB
Required Source: 5
Duration: Instantaneous

Transport allows a mage regent to open a massive dimension door though which can instantly move troops from one province to another. He can move one unit one province per level (for example, three units move three provinces at 3rd level) regardless of terrain. Units can be moved only between provinces in which the mage has a magical source or ley line. Terrain does not affect this magical movement, and all units arrive fresh and eligible to move during any war moves following the action round in which this spell is cast. If, during this time, the spellcaster leaves the province in which the spell was cast, the spell is lost. The final rituals for this spell require that the caster be within visual range of the targeted units. These final rituals that complete the spell require approximately the same amount of time as casting a battle spell and may, at the caster's wish, be completed upon the field of battle. Each unit to be moved costs 4RP. Because this spell is instantaneous, the affected units are eligible to move during any War Moves following the action round in which this spell is cast. This spell can be used on unwilling units, but the regency cost doubles to 8RP per unit. The unit, if appropiate, can try a saving throw and/or a Spell Resistance check as appropiate.

Death plague, 5th caster level

Regency: 1RP/province level
Gold: 2GB
Required Source: 5
Duration: Permanent
An evil wizard can create a horrible, pestilent plague that depopulates an area, reducing an affected province by up to a full level. At 5th level, the wizard affects only the province in which the spell is cast. For every two levels beyond the 5th (beginning at 7th level), he can affect one additional province adjacent to a province struck by the death plague, possibly infecting the kingdom of another regent. The plague spreads at the rate of one province per action round until the maximum area of effect is reached. The RP cost is equal to the sum of the affected province levels; a 9th-level mage who poisons three provinces (4) must spend 12RP. Dispel realm magic or bless land can negate the effects of the death plague in one province, but only if cast in the same action round as the province is affected.

Feign destruction, 5th caster level

Regency: 10RP
Gold: 10GB
Required Source: 1
Duration: 3 action rounds
When a wizard casts this realm spell, he causes a palace, fortress, village, or town to appear to be destroyed. The method of the apparent destruction is chosen by the wizard at the time of casting; a locale may appear to have been sacked by an army, ravaged by fire, leveled by a tornado, wiped out by a flood, or devastated by a great magical blast. In reality, the destroyed area is unharmed. No manner of divination, however, will reveal the area as anything other than damaged. The affected area does not radiate magic. Persons within the area of effect when the spell is cast witness no change; peasants in a village will have no idea that outsiders view their town as a wasteland. Only strangers who enter the area after the spell is cast witness the destruction. To their eyes, inhabitants going about their normal routines appear to be cleaning up after the devastation and trying to set their lives in order. If they speak to locals, they hear tales of despair instead of residents' actual words. A wizard can affect one province per three levels; thus, a 10th-level caster could affect the appearance of three provinces.

Protect ley line, 5th caster level

Regency: Special
Gold: Special
Required Source: 3
Duration: Permanent
This realm spell allows a wizard to protect his ley lines from tampering by an enemy wizard. The spell safeguards affected ley lines from the deactivate ley line spell, as well as similar effects created by the rings of ley. Protect ley line offers no defense for sources or their manifestations. Lines protected in this manner also gain a saving throw against the sunder ley line spell. The line is allowed a saving throw vs. spell at the level of the highest-level source on the line; thus, a ley line connected to a source (7) would gain a saving throw vs. spell as a 7th-level wizard. Success prevents the sundering; failure means that the protect ley line abjuration is dispelled and the sunder is successful Casting the spell costs 1GB plus 2RP per four provinces the ley line crosses. Thus casting this spell on a ley line that begins in province A, passes through provinces B, C, D, and E, and ends in province F would cost 2GB and 4RP. Hook-ups on the ley line are protected at no additional cost. The protection created by this spell is permanent unless canceled by limited wish, wish, sunder ley line, or a similar spell. Should the wizard find himself needing to deactivate or sunder one of his own ley lines, he may do so without penalty. Ley lines under the effect of this spell must be maintained normally.

Stronghold, 5th caster level

Regency: Special
Gold: 10GB
Required Source: 7
Duration: 3 action rounds/caster level
By means of this spell, the wizard conjures up a castle, tower, fortification, or building of any kind. The RP cost is equal to the Gold Bar cost of constructing an equivalent stronghold, but difficult or remote terrain doesn't affect the magical version. For example, a castle (3) normally costs 30 Gold Bars; this realm spell can do the same for 30RP, regardless of where the castle is placed. The wizard can make the construction permanent with a permanency spell, but he ages 10 years in the process. The wizard can dismiss the stronghold any time he wishes. If he dies without the castle being made permanent, it fades from existence.

Sidhelien Warding, 5th caster level

School: Abjuration
Regency: 5 RP/province
Gold: 2 GB/province
Required Source: 5
Duration: 3 months + 1 month/caster level

The Sidhelien have developed this spell to protect the borders of their forests from hostile neighbors. When this spell is cast in a forest province the area becomes impassable to outsiders. Trees and vines seem to block an intruders way at every turn, forest paths seem to turn back upon themselves, and interlopers find themselves wandering back to the area where they entered the forest after a few short minutes. Creatures native to the area, including elves, are immune to the effects of this spell. Affected provinces is 1 at 5th caster, 2 at 8th, 3 at 11th and so on. As with the standard warding spell, a wizard or priest with appropriate magical capabilities has a 50% chance of successfully leading up to 1 person per level through the warded province.

Defection, 6th caster level

Regency: 1RP/unit
Gold: 2GB/unit
Required Source: 2
Duration: 3 Action Rounds
A wizard can cast this spell to steal a military unit from an opposing regent, thereby bringing the unit under his own control. The defecting unit is treated as one of the wizard's units (or that of another regent or an appointed lieutenant stated in the casting of the spell) for three action rounds. The unit will follow its new leader's orders implicitly. If the unit survives this enforced service, it returns to its original regent when the spell's duration lapses. The caster can affect one unit for every four experience levels; thus, a 15th-level wizard could bring three enemy units under his banner. The units to be affected must be in the casting wizard's domain or in any adjacent province. In addition, the wizard must know the location of the units to be affected by the defection spell. Any attempt to command an affected military unit with an order other than those typically given in battle will break the spell. Thus, a unit could not be ordered to run off a cliff, for example.

Legion of dead, 7th caster level

Regency: 4RP/unit
Gold: 1GB/unit
Required Source: 3
Duration: 1 month + 1 week/level
A skilled necromancer can summon the ancient dead to his aid, raising a unit of skeletons and zombies to do his bidding. The wizard can summon one unit of undead minions for each level above 6th, so a 7th-level caster summons one unit, an 8th-level caster summons two, and so on. The wizard must spend 4 Regency Points per unit. He must remain with his undead army or the spell will be broken and the army will collapse. Refer to the Undead Legion War Card for large-scale combat information; in standard game terms, each unit comprises about 200 zombies, monster zombies, skeletons, and giant skeletons.

Warding, 7th caster level

Regency: 5RP/province
Gold: 2GB/province
Required Source: 5
Duration: 3 Action Rounds +1 War Move/caster level
With this spell, a mage weaves a barrier of impenetrable mists and fog that prevents any creatures from entering or leaving a province. Regardless of their actions, creatures are turned around and find themselves emerging from the mist at the same spot they entered it. A wizard or priest with appropriate spells or magical items has a 50% chance of successfully leading up to one person per level through the mist. A mage can ward one province at 5th level, two at 7th, three at 9th, and so on. Warding costs 5 Regency Points per province affected. Wars, trade, and diplomacy are all but impossible while a warding is in effect. The caster is immune to the effects of his own warding and may lead as many individuals through the mists as he wishes.

Ley ward, 7th caster level

Regency: 3
Gold: 2GB
Required Source: 5
Duration: 18 action rounds (6 domain turns)
This spell is designed to harm or kill wizards who try to deactivate, sunder, or otherwise tamper with the affected ley line. The spell affects one ley line (regardless of length) and all associated hook-ups. The caster is immune to the harmful effects of the spell and may use the ley line at will. A wizard may cast this spell only on his own ley lines or on the ley lines of a consenting wizard; he may not secretly cast ley ward on an enemy's lines as a "surprise". A wizard who tampers with a warded ley line is allowed a saving throw vs. death magic. He may contribute Regency Points or bloodline strength points to improve his chances (receiving a +1 bonus for each point spent). Failure indicates the wizard is killed; success means the wizard suffers 1d4 points of damage multiplied by the level of the highest source on the line. Thus, in the case of a ley line connected to a source (6), the victim would suffer 6d4 points of damage. Whether the tamperer succeeds or fails the saving throw, the tampering attempt fails. Only one ley ward spell may be cast on a single ley line at one time, but multiple lines may be warded with multiple spells.

Raze, 7th caster level

Regency: 10RP/structure level
Gold: 2GB/damage level
Required Source: 5
Duration: Instantaneous
Castles and fortifications can be reduced to rubble by means of this spectacular realm spell. Reducing a castle by one level costs 10RP, so razing a castle (5) costs 50 Regency Points. There is no limit to the amount of damage that a mage can cause to a castle through one spell, he may simply reduce it in level or may destroy it outright, as long as he is willing to pay the required regency. Materials and preparation cost 2GB per level of damage the mage intends to cause. Fortified holdings can be reduced to normal holdings through this spell, but they are not otherwise damaged. The wizard must be in sight of the castle to be razed when he casts the spell and he must perform the preparations on the site.

Shadow block, 8th caster level

Regency: 2RP/province
Gold: 1GB/province
Required Source: 4
Duration: 3 Action Rounds
Shadow block prevents all creatures from walking into or out of the Shadow World in a specified province. This effect even applies to halflings, who normally can pass into and out of the Shadow World at will. The spell does not affect movement within the Shadow World. A wizard can affect one province per three experience levels.

Deactivate ley line, 9th caster level

Regency: 3RP
Gold: 2GB
Required Source: 4
Duration: 3 Action Rounds
This powerful realm spell allows a wizard to temporarily deactivate a ley line. Drawing mebhaighl from a source along that ley line is impossible for three action rounds. Magic cast in the same province as a source is unaffected. Because the flow of mebhaighl is disrupted along a ley line, this spell may affect a single line of any length. Any ley lines (including hook-ups) connected to the affected line that are not powered by sources of their own also cannot be used. The casting wizard must have a source or ley line in a province through which the target ley line passes. The source can be as low as a source (0) and does not have to be the source that powers this spell. A success roll is required for the spell to succeed, with a result of 10 or better (on a 1d20) indicating success. The roll suffers a -2 penalty if the caster is merely guessing at the ley line's existence rather than knowing its location with certainty. If the wizard successfully disrupts a ley line and wishes to do so again on the following action round (thus increasing the period of disruption), he gains a +1 bonus to his roll for the subsequent spell. This benefit is cumulative for up to three attempts. The victim must continue to pay maintenance on the deactivated line or it dissipates permanently. If the target ley line is under the effects of a protect ley line or ley ward spell, deactivate ley line will fail automatically.

Enhance source, 9th level caster

Regency: 2RP +1/new source level
Gold: 1GB
Required Source: 2
Duration: 3 Action Rounds
By means of this realm spell, a wizard can improve one source holding by one level. The base cost of the spell is 2RP, plus 1RP per new (boosted) level of the source; thus, a source (5) increased to a source (6) would cost the wizard 8RP (2+6). This increase works for the purposes of spellcasting only and does not affect collection or Regency Points or other factors dependant on holding level. The spell may be used only once per year; attempts to cast the spell more than once in a year result in failure. A success roll is required for the spell to succeed, with a roll of 8 or better (on a 1d20) indicating success. On a roll of 1, the spell backfires; all ley lines emanating from the target source are deactivated per the spell for two action rounds.

Deplete mebhaighl, 10th level caster

Regency: 5RP
Gold: 2GB
Required Source: 5
Duration: 3 action rounds
This spell allows a caster to inhibit mebhaighl in an enemy's source. The target source drops one level for the duration of the spell. Thus, a source (5) is treated as a source (4) for purposes of spellcasting; all other domain functions (such as RP collection) are treated normally. At 15th level, a wizard may reduce two sources in the same province by one level, or may reduce one source by two levels.

Siphon mebhaighl, 12th level caster

Regency: 6RP
Gold: 2GB
Required Source: 6
Duration: 3 action rounds
A wizard who casts this spell may steal mebhaighl from another wizard's source or transfer mebhaighl between two of his own sources. The target source is reduced by one level for purposes of spellcasting. Thus a source (5) is treated as a source (4) when casting realm spells; other domain functions are treated normally. The siphoned level is then transferred to another source (usually one controlled by the caster). For purposes of spellcasting, that source is then treated as one level higher. The caster may also transfer mebhaighl from one of his own sources to another source. The target source can be his own or that of a wizard with whom he collaborates. The two sources involved must meet at least one of the following criteria: ¨ They are in the same province. ¨ They are in adjacent provinces. ¨ One of the sources shares a province with a ley line terminus or hook-up of the other source. At 15th level, the caster may transfer two levels of mebhaighl from one of his sources to another single source; he may not steal two levels from an enemy source. This casting costs 12RP and 4GB. When the spell ends, all mebhaighl reverts to its original sources.

Sunder ley line, 12th level caster

Regency: 12RP
Gold: 10GB
Required Source: 6
Duration: Permanent
When a wizard regent casts this spell, he severs one ley line of his choice. The severed ley line then collapses in both directions until it reaches a terminus, source, hook-up, or connecting ley line. Lines affected by the protect ley line spell gain a saving throw against the effect (see spell description). This spell has no effect on future attempts to forge ley lines in the same location.

Poison source, 16th level caster

Regency: 2RP/magic potential level
Gold: 1GB/magic potential level
Required Source: 7
Duration: 1 action round/4 caster levels
Among some circles of mages, this realm spell is believed to exist in legend only. Either such is indeed the case, or the spell is so rare that only a few wizards are able to cast it. The poison source spell disrupts the flow of mebhaighl in a province in such a way that all magical sources are temporarily rendered powerless. No wizard, even the caster of this spell, can draw magical energy from an affected source. A poisoned source is treated as a healthy source for all purposes except spellcasting. Thus, the wizard collects Regency Points and pays maintenance costs as usual. Any ley lines attached to the poisoned source function normally, except they cannot draw magical power from the poisoned source. The caster must pay RP and GB according to the magic potential of the province; thus in a province of mountains rated 3/6, the caster must pay 12RP and 6GB for the spell to function.


Charm Unit

Charm Person (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 1 square
Components: V, S
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: 1 War Card round/2levels
Casting Time: 1 attack phase
Area of Effect: 1 unit
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell affects any unit composed primarily of humanoids normally affected by the 1st-level spell charm person. The unit receives a saving throw to resist the effect completely. If the unit fails, then enough of the individuals in the unit fall under the casting wizard's control that the unit obeys the caster's commands until the duration elapses. The caster must be within one battlefield square of the unit at all times, or have some other way to give the unit orders (verbal or otherwise) from a greater distance. The charmed unit will obey all commands that do not completely contradict its nature, per the charm person spell. Orders contrary to its nature (such as ordering a previously loyal unit to attack its allies) will force another saving throw at a +4 bonus. If the unit fails to save, it does what the caster wishes. Orders such as "withdraw from the battle" or "move to that empty area" seldom cause resistance. The unit will act in its own interests when attacked, defending itself if necessary.
Note: Certain units do not gain this second saving throw. For example, mercenary units fight for pay, not for loyalty. They might not resist attacking a former employer. Some monster units (like goblins) are used to fighting each other and also might not gain a saving throw. The wizard must have at least three assistants (not necessarily spellcasters) on hand for this spell.

Rain of magic missiles

Magic Missile (Evocation)
Range: 1 square
Components: V, S
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 attack phase
Area of Effect: 1 unit
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a rain of missiles arcing from the caster's position and striking enemy units on the field of battle. The rain of magic missiles inflicts 1 hit (H) on the target unit for every six levels of the caster. If the target unit is engaged with on or more other units (whether enemy or friendly), the engaged units split the damage as follows:
¨ The target unit takes the first hit.
¨ The engaged unit takes the second hit. If more than one unit is engaged with the target unit, the DM randomly determines the victim of the second hit.
¨ The target takes the third hit.
¨ The engaged unit takes the fourth hit, and so on. The only exception to this method of alternating hits occurs when the casting wizard is physically within a unit engaged with the target. In such an instance, the wizard's unit will not suffer any damage from the spell. The caster may choose to deliver fewer hits than his level allows. The casting wizard must have at least one assistant per barrage of missiles (in other words, per hit).

Glittering shower

Glitterdust (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 1 square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: 1d4+1 War Card rounds
Casting Time: 1 attack phase
Area of Effect: 1 square
Saving Throw: Negates
A shower of glittering gold sparks and dust rains down upon the battlefield. All units in the affected square must make saving throws vs. spell or be blinded and covered in golden dust for 1d4+1 War Card rounds. Affected units take a -4 penalty to all future saving throws and lose 1 point of their attack and defense ratings. In addition, if a blinded unit is ordered to move, the DM rolls 1d8. On a 1-4 result, the unit moves in a randomly determined direction (1=forward; 2=left; 3=right; 4=back). On a 5-6 result, the unit moves randomly (the significant portion of its force wanders off in wrong directions (a unit can be destroyed in this manner). On a 7-8 result, the unit successfully moves as ordered. The wizard must have at least five assistants throwing 1GB worth of ground mica and gold powder in the direction of the area to be affected.

Rolling Fire

Flaming Sphere (Evocation)
Range: 1 square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: 1 War Card round/3 levels
Casting Time: 1 attack phase
Area of Effect: 1 square
Saving Throw: None
Burning globes of fire roll from the caster's position into a battle square. Beginning on the following attack phase, every unit, friendly or not, in the square takes one hit (R) and is routed. The caster himself can stay within the area of effect and remain unharmed (as can a few other people of the caster's selection, as long as they stay within 10 feet of the caster). The caster can move the rolling fire balls along the battlefield at a rate of one square per attack phase, as long as he stays within one square of the fire balls at all times. Once in motion, the balls cannot change direction. The balls are not affected by terrain and do not damage fortifications. The caster must employ two assistants who spend the duration of the spell burning sulfur and tallow, and casting iron powder into the conflagration. At least 1GB worth of materials goes into the mix.

Flying troops

Fly (Alteration)
Range: 1 square
Components: V, S
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: 1 War Card round/level
Casting Time: 1 attack phase
Area of Effect: 1 unit
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the wizard to bestow the power of flight on one military unit for the duration of the spell. The unit can move vertically or horizontally, but all individual troops must stay within a reasonable distance of the center of the spell. This is not a problem in most cases, but any War Card or other result that causes a unit to fall back (F) also causes one hit (H) on the unit, meaning that enough of the force's individuals strayed out of the area of effect to fall from the sky. Note: This result does not occur if the flying unit is actually on the ground at the time the (F) result occurs. The unit may fly above the battlefield at a relative range of two combat squares, so a unit could actually fly above the range of missile fire from the ground. However, the unit can still fire down upon units directly below it (in the same area, but actually below) as a moving missile attack. The flying unit, if one area or higher above the battlefield, cannot fire at units it is not directly over. A flying unit that is at least one "square" up can fly over most terrain (magical terrains might cause some problems, but only if they extend up into the air), and a flying unit at two "squares" in elevation can actually pass over, or land inside, a fortification. The unit's movement rating is unchanged, cavalry units affected by the spell move faster than marching units. The material component of the spell is a wing feather of any bird, one such feather must be in the possession of each member of the unit to be affected for the spell to succeed. The feather can be held or in a belt pouch or any other locations; loss of the feather after the spell has been cast means that individual can no longer fly.

Monster unit summoning 1

Monster Summoning I (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: 2 War Card rounds +1 round/3 levels
Casting Time: 1 attack phase
Area of Effect: 1 square
Saving Throw: None
With this spell the caster summons forth hundreds of indigenous creatures to serve as an organized unit in battle. The creatures occupy one battlefield square and will fight at the caster's command until the spell's duration ends or they are destroyed. The caster must remain within one square of the summoned unit or the creatures will disperse on their own. The monster unit has variable characteristics (DM's option) but usually comprises creatures of 1 Hit Die or less (rats, squirrels, goblins, otters, piranha, barracuda, etc.) with no special attacks or defenses. The unit could, however, comprise a smaller number of larger creatures. The unit functions as a levy and almost always has an uninjured movement rating of 1, a melee rating of 2, a defense rating of 2, and a missile rating of 0. To determine the unit's morale and icon, the DM draws a random War Card to represent the unit on the battlefield. On its first hit, the unit loses 1 point off its melee rating. On its second hit, it loses 1 point of defense. At least four non-wizard assistants (usually 1-level warriors) are required to lead these troops. (If the troops are destroyed, the assistants die, too.)

Slow unit

Slow (Alteration)
Range: 1 square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 0,5 GB
Duration: 3 War Card rounds +1 round/3 levels
Casting Time: 1 attack phase
Area of Effect: 1 unit
Saving Throw: Negates
Slow unit causes one unit on the battlefield to move at half speed. The unit moves at half its normal movement rating (units with a rating of 1 move every other round) and can attack only once every other attack phase. This spell counteracts haste-type battle spells. The caster's "assistants" must lob jars of molasses at the target unit for the spell to work.

Aura of invulnerability

Minor Globe of Invulnerability (Abjuration)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 0,5 GB
Duration: 1 War Card round/3 levels
Casting Time: 1 attack phase
Area of Effect: 1 square
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast on a battlefield square by a wizard in that square, no 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spells (or battle spells derived from spells of those levels) can be cast into or out of the aura. Spells cast from inside the aura can affect individuals or units inside the area of effect, but cannot leave the aura. Existing spell effects that cross into or out of the aura (such as troops under the slow unit spell moving through the square) remain in effect, the aura merely prevents the casting of new spells. Fourth-level and higher spells remain unaffected by this abjuration, as they are in the conventional version of this spell. The caster must have at least four assistants, all either magicians or wizards, who shatter identical crystal globes at the borders of the area of effect simultaneously. The globes are of such high workmanship that they cost a total of 2GB to produce. Once the spell is cast, the wizard can leave and re-enter the aura without disrupting the spell.

Enchanted weapons

Enchanted Weapon (Enchantment)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: 2 War Card rounds/level
Casting Time: 3 attack phases
Area of Effect: 1 unit's weapons
Saving Throw: None
The weapons borne by a single unit are temporarily enchanted into magical weapons. The unit receives a +1 bonus on either its melee or missile rating (not both) for the duration of the spell. Unlike the conventional version of this spell, enchanted weapon, the effect is not dispelled when the unit successfully hits a target. This spell may not be made permanent. The caster must stand among the unit upon which he is casting this spell. The unit can be engaged in fighting, but cannot move from the square during the casting; the caster cannot suffer any damage during the casting time, or the spell is lost. The material components of this spell are a pinch of powdered lime and 5 lbs. of charcoal that must be burned during the casting of the spell.

Stoneskinned army

Stoneskin (Alteration)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 attack phase
Area of Effect: 1 square
Saving Throw: None
The unit upon which this spell is cast receives a magical armor bonus. It ignores one successful hit (R or H) for every four levels (round down) of the caster. For example, if a 13th-level wizard casts stoneskinned army on a unit, that unit will ignore three hits. The spell does not work against magical attacks or attacks by units with magical weapons (such as a unit under the effect of the enchanted weapons spell). It has no effect on morale failures or no-hit results, though if the unit ignores hits caused by an (R) result, the unit does not rout. The caster must be in the same square as the unit when the spell is cast, and his assistants (at least six non-spellcasters are required) must pass through the unit, sprinkling granite flakes and diamond dust on each troop. (The flakes and dust should be worth a total of 2GB.) The spell cannot be cast on engaged units.

Animate army

Animate Dead (Necromancy)
Range: 1 square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: Length of battle
Casting Time: 3 attack phases
Area of Effect: 1 unit
Saving Throw: None
This gruesome spell allows a wizard to revive a destroyed unit and send it back into action under the wizard's control. The wizard must stand within one square of the destroyed unit when casting the spell, but need not be near his undead creations while they fight for his cause. The revived unit comes complete with weapons, armor, and any other equipment the troops had when they died (assuming they have not already been looted). The undead obey the caster without question, even if they were on the other side of the battle previously. The unit has the same characteristics as it did in life (use the same War Card), with the following modifications:
¨ The unit ignores all F and R results except those caused by magical attacks.
¨ The unit's defense rating is increased by 1.
¨ The unit's charge rating is reduced by 2; if reduced to 0 or lower the unit cannot charge.
¨ The unit has the morale symbols of the "Undead Legion" War Card (card #86 in the basic set).
When the battle ends, the unit sinks to the ground, its energy gone. The troops will then decompose quickly, making it impossible to cast this spell on the same unit twice. If the unit is destroyed in battle, it cannot be raised again. This spell is usually considered evil in nature, and only evil wizards will provide the blood and bone chips required to cast the spell. On occasion, however, good wizards have cast the spell on loyal troops killed in the defense of their homelands.

Shadow troops

Shadow Monsters (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 1 square
Components: V, S
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: 1 War Card round/2 levels
Casting Time: 1 attack phase
Area of Effect: 1 square
Saving Throw: Special
Tapping into the power of the Shadow World, the wizard or magician casting this spell conjures terrible monsters to come forth and do battle on the world of Cerilia, or that's what it looks like. In reality, the shadow troops are almost always illusions (see below). In land battles they appear on the battlefield; at sea, they can appear aboard a ship or rise up out of the water. They fight as regular troops until dispelled, successfully disbelieved, or destroyed.
Their statistics are as follows:
Move: 3
Melee: 3
Defense: 2
Charge: 3
Morale: shield/pennant
Missile: 3
Icon: swords
The shadow troops do not lose effectiveness when hit in battle, but two hits are sufficient to destroy them. Shadow troops can be disbelieved by PCs or prominent NPC leaders only. If they are disbelieved, the disbelieving character must make a saving throw vs. spell at a -2 penalty to have a chance at dispelling them. Whenever shadow troops are created, the DM rolls 1d100. If the result is less than or equal to 25 minus the caster's level (for example, a roll of 20 for a 5th-level caster), the troops are not illusory, they are real. Real troops have used the magical energy of the "illusion" to bridge the gap between the Shadow World and Cerilia, and they do not disappear when the spell's duration ends. Instead, they begin attacking randomly, or attacking units nearest the caster. They can be returned to the Shadow World only by means of a limited wish, wish, gate, or dimension door spell (and, in the latter two cases, they have to be moved through the opening somehow). Each real troop is a 5-HD monster or and undead creature of 5HD or less.

Wolf in the fold

Seeming (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 1 square
Components: V, S
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: 1 War Card round/level
Casting Time: 1 attack phase
Area of Effect: 1 unit
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows a wizard to transform the appearance of one unit into that of a completely different unit. The spell lasts for one War Card round per level of the caster, or until the unit performs an action inconsistent with its new form. An infantry unit transformed to appear as a cavalry unit could walk or run (the cavalry unit would simply appear to move slowly), but if a cavalry unit disguised as infantry began a charge, that would dispel the effect. The DM should replace the War Card of the affected unit with an appropriate equivalent from the deck. Naturally, most spellcasters will want to throw this magic on units that have not been revealed yet or are in reserves. (There is obviously something going on when a unit of archers suddenly turns into a horde of monsters right there on the battlefield.) DMs should keep the real War Card separate and use its statistics when the wolf in the fold troops engage. The wizard and three spellcaster assistants must pass through the unit while the spell is being cast, making gestures and invoking the power of the spell.