The Noble/Warrior

Level/ Attack Bonus/ Fort. Save/ Ref. Save/ Will Save/ Special

1/ +1/ +2/ +0/ +0/ 1st Favoured region, Resources
2/ +2/ +3/ +0/ +0/ Leadership
3/ +3/ +3/ +1/ +1/ Coordinate +2
4/ +4/ +4/ +1/ +1/ Look of the noble
5/ +5/ +4/ +1/ +1/ 2nd Favoured region, Resources +1
6/ +6/+1/ +5/ +2/ +2/ Bonus Feat
7/ +7/+2/ +5/ +2/ +2/
8/ +8/+3/ +6/ +2/ +2/ Inspire Loyalty +1
9/ +9/+4/ +6/ +3/ +3/ Presence +2
10/ +10/+5/ +7/ +3/ +3/ 3rd Favoured region, Resources +2
11/ +11/+6/+1/ +7/ +3/ +3/ Bonus Feat
12/ +12/+7/+2/ +8/ +4/ +4/
13/ +13/+8/+3/ +8/ +4/ +4/ Inspire Loyalty +2
14/ +14/+9/+4/+9/+4/+4/ Presence +4
15/ +15/+10/+5/+9/+5/+5/ 4th Favoured region, Resources +3
16/ +16/+11/+6/+1/+10/+5/+5/ Bonus Feat
17/ +17/+12/+7/+2/+10/+5/+5/
18/ +18/+13/+8/+3/+11/+6/+6/ Inspire Loyalty +3
19/ +19/+14/+9/+4/+11/+6/+6/ Presence +6
20/ +20/+15/+10/+5/+12/+6/+6/ 5th Favoured region, Resources +4

Abilities: Charisma is especially important for nobles because it improves their social skills and leadership potential. Intelligence is also particularly useful, as a high intelligence not only improves a large number of important skills, but it also provides the noble with extra skill points. Strength and dexterity are also important for situations in which they find themselves unable to come to a peaceful agreement with their opponents.

Alignment: Any

Class Hit Die: d8

Class Skills
The noble's class skills (and the key ability for each) are Administrate (Wis), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Lead (Cha), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language, Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Warcraft (Int).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int bonus) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int bonus

Class Features
The following are class features of the noble.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The noble is proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons, heavy, medium and light armour, and shields. The noble is also proficient in the elite regional arms and armour of his nation. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to all applicable skills.

Starting Gear: 6d8 x 10 gp worth of equipment

Favoured Region (Ex): At 1st level, a noble may select a regional area (such as the Southern Coast, Western Coast, Heartlands, Northern Marches, or Eastern Marches of Anuire). Due to his extensive experience with the people, customs, and attitudes of the nobles and training in techniques for manipulating the nobility of this region, the noble gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nobility), and Sense Motive checks when using these skills in relation to regents and members of the upper class of this region.
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th), the noble may select an additional favoured region. In addition, at each such interval the bonus in any one favoured region (including the one just selected, if desired) increases by 2.

Resources (Ex): A noble gains the ability to requisition resources and information by drawing on their reputation, personal and family wealth, and the promise of future favours. To successfully use their influence to gain access to resources, the noble rolls 1d20 and adds his noble level and his Charisma modifier to determine the resources check result. The DM sets the check’s DC. Simple favours have a DC 10, while expensive or illegal favours have a DC of 25 or higher.

A noble can only throw around so much influence before exhausting their goodwill. At 1st level, a noble can requisition resources a number of times equal to his Charisma modifier per adventure (or Domain turn, if more appropriate), with a minimum of 1 attempt per adventure at 1st level (even with a Charisma modifier of 0 or less). He may make an additional attempt per adventure or domain turn at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th). A failed check doesn’t expend any of the noble’s influence, but the noble cannot attempt to access the same resource (or contact) and suffers a cumulative –2 to every subsequent attempt that domain turn made to gain the same benefit from other resources. The DM should carefully monitor the use of this ability to ensure that it isn’t abused.

Resources are comprised of physical holdings that generate income and contacts or individuals or organizations that the noble has connections with. The income that can be accessed is equal to 50 gp per Noble level per successful attempt. Accessing these monetary assets is considered a simple favour (DC 10) when done in person. This means that the noble must be physically present in his home province when this action is attempted. The difficulty of this action is increased when the noble is further away. These assets should be carefully documented between the player and DM.
Example: A 1st level noble with a Charisma of 15 (+2) could make 2 resource checks per adventure or domain turn with a +3 to the check. If he used these to access personal funds, he would gain 50 gp per successful attempt, or 100 gp maximum. The same noble, upon reaching 12th level, has with an effective Charisma score of 18 (+1 at 4th level, +2 Presence), and can now requisition resources 6 times per adventure or domain turn (4 for Charisma, +2 at 10th level), and would obtain 600 gp from his economic resources for each successful attempt.

Behind the Curtain: How to handle a noble’s contacts. A noble’s resources are all physical resources. The contacts are individuals and it is important to have them identified in order to prevent this from being reduced to simple die roll. By using this philosophy a failed resource check can actually be an indication of trouble brewing on the horizon. For example one of the noble’s contacts is an administrator in Prince Avan’s court, who happens to ‘owe’ the noble a favour. When the noble taps this resource to find out whether or not Prince Avan is attempting to muster up his troops, by checking correspondences or supplies, the resource check fails. It would be up to the DM to decide if this failure is a result of no information being available, or if in fact the noble’s contact has been compromised leading to future political ramifications. Regardless of how this is handled the individuality of the contacts should be emphasized.

Leadership: At 2nd level, the noble’s growing status among the social elite, and his training in how to command and inspire others, manifests itself in his ability to lead and attract followers. The noble gains Leadership as a bonus feat.

Coordinate (Ex): At 3rd level, the noble gains the ability to guide the cooperation of other characters by making a Lead check (DC 15 + the number of characters commanded). If successful, this increases the bonus granted by cooperation by +2.

Look of the Noble (Ex): When a noble appears on the field and presents himself as a leader, it inspires himself and his followers, soldiers, hirelings, or other loyal subjects who can see and hear him. At 4th level, the noble and those that look to him for guidance (such as his employees, followers, or sworn subjects) gain a +1 morale bonus based on the noble’s path. Warrior path nobles grant a +1 bonus to attack, weapon damage rolls and Will saving throws against fear and mind-influencing enchantments (such as charm person). Presenting himself is a free action but entails standing tall and proud along with shouting (or forcefully giving) directions, and the bonuses last a number of rounds equal to the noble’s Charisma modifier. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the noble’s Charisma modifier.

Bonus Feat: At 6th level the noble gains a bonus feat from the list for his path. He gains an additional bonus feat from this list every 5 levels thereafter (11th and 16th levels). He must meet all of the required prerequisites for any feat selected. In addition to those feats listed the noble may choose any regional feat for his homeland since they are commonly available.

Warrior path bonus feats: Acrobatic, Combat Expertise1, Combat Reflexes, Great Leader*, Military Genius*, Mounted Combat1, Point Blank Shot1, Power Attack1, Regent Focus*, Weapon Focus1.

1 Any feat in the chain for which this feat is listed is also available.
* Denotes feats with a domain-level effect.

Inspire Loyalty (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, the noble can use oratory to inspire long lasting confidence in his loyal followers. To inspire loyalty, the noble must speak for at least one round and make a Diplomacy check with a DC equal to 10 +1 per five allies to be inspired (including the noble). An ally inspired gains a +1 morale bonus to attacks and damage, a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws against fear and mind-influencing enchantments, and a +1 bonus to all skill checks. The effect begins with the conclusion of the noble’s oratory, and lasts for 1 minute per round the noble spent inspiring the allies, to a maximum of 1 hour for 60 rounds of inspirational speech. This ability is an enhancement of the noble’s Look of the Noble ability; each use of Inspire Loyalty counts as one use of the Look of the Noble ability. Both abilities may be used in any combination a total number of times per day equal to the noble’s Charisma modifier.
The confidence inspired by the noble increases as the noble attains levels. For every five levels after 8th, the bonus increase by +1, to a maximum of +3 at 18th level.

Presence (Ex): Beginning at 9th level, the noble has mastered the art of manipulation and command. For the purposes of noble class special abilities, skill checks, charisma checks, and the leadership feat, treat him as having a Charisma score 2 points higher than it actually is. This bonus increases by 2 points at 14th level and 19th level.

The Noble/Guilder

Level/ Attack Bonus/ Fort. Save/ Ref. Save/ Will Save/ Special

1/ +0/ +2/ +2/ +0/ 1st favoured region, Resources
2/ +1/ +3/ +3/ +0/ Leadership
3/ +2/ +3/ +3/ +1/ Coordinate +2
4/ +3/ +4/ +4/ +1/ Look of the noble
5/ +3/ +4/ +4/ +1/ 2nd favoured region, Resources +1
6/ +4 +5/ +5/ +2/ Bonus Feat
7/ +5 +5/ +5/ +2/
8/ +6/+1/ +6/ +6/ +2/ Inspire Loyalty +1
9/ +6/+1/ +6/ +6/ +3/ Presence +2
10/ +7/+2/ +7/ +7/ +3/ 3rd favoured region, Resources +2
11/ +8/+3/ +7/ +7/ +3/ Bonus Feat
12/ +9/+4/ +8/ +8/ +4/
13/ +9/+4/ +8/ +8/ +4/ Inspire Loyalty +2
14/ +10/+5/+9/+9/+4/ Presence +4
15/ +11/+6/+1/+9/+9/+5/ 4th Favoured region, Resources +3
16/ +12/+7/+2/+10/+10/+5/ Bonus Feat
17/ +12/+7/+2/+10/+10/+5/
18/ +13/+8/+3/+11/+11/+6/ Inspire Loyalty +3
19/ +14/+9/+4/+11/+11/+6/ Presence +6
20/ +15/+10/+5/+12/+12/+6/ 5th Favoured region, Resources +4

Abilities: Charisma is especially important for nobles because it improves their social skills and leadership potential. Intelligence is also particularly useful, as a high intelligence not only improves a large number of important skills, but it also provides the noble with extra skill points. Strength and dexterity are also important for situations in which they find themselves unable to come to a peaceful agreement with their opponents.

Alignment: Any

Class Hit Die: d6

Class Skills
The noble's class skills (and the key ability for each) are Administrate (Wis), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Lead (Cha), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language, Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Warcraft (Int).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (8 + Int bonus) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 8 + Int bonus

Class Features
The following are class features of the noble.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The noble is proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons, light armour, and shields. The noble is also proficient in the elite regional arms and armour of his nation. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to all applicable skills.

Starting Gear: 6d8 x 10 gp worth of equipment

Favoured Region (Ex): At 1st level, a noble may select a regional area (such as the Southern Coast, Western Coast, Heartlands, Northern Marches, or Eastern Marches of Anuire). Due to his extensive experience with the people, customs, and attitudes of the nobles and training in techniques for manipulating the nobility of this region, the noble gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nobility), and Sense Motive checks when using these skills in relation to regents and members of the upper class of this region.
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th), the noble may select an additional favoured region. In addition, at each such interval the bonus in any one favoured region (including the one just selected, if desired) increases by 2.

Resources (Ex): A noble gains the ability to requisition resources and information by drawing on their reputation, personal and family wealth, and the promise of future favours. To successfully use their influence to gain access to resources, the noble rolls 1d20 and adds his noble level and his Charisma modifier to determine the resources check result. The DM sets the check’s DC. Simple favours have a DC 10, while expensive or illegal favours have a DC of 25 or higher.

A noble can only throw around so much influence before exhausting their goodwill. At 1st level, a noble can requisition resources a number of times equal to his Charisma modifier per adventure (or Domain turn, if more appropriate), with a minimum of 1 attempt per adventure at 1st level (even with a Charisma modifier of 0 or less). He may make an additional attempt per adventure or domain turn at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th). A failed check doesn’t expend any of the noble’s influence, but the noble cannot attempt to access the same resource (or contact) and suffers a cumulative –2 to every subsequent attempt that domain turn made to gain the same benefit from other resources. The DM should carefully monitor the use of this ability to ensure that it isn’t abused.

Resources are comprised of physical holdings that generate income and contacts or individuals or organizations that the noble has connections with. The income that can be accessed is equal to 50 gp per Noble level per successful attempt. Accessing these monetary assets is considered a simple favour (DC 10) when done in person. This means that the noble must be physically present in his home province when this action is attempted. The difficulty of this action is increased when the noble is further away. These assets should be carefully documented between the player and DM.
Example: A 1st level noble with a Charisma of 15 (+2) could make 2 resource checks per adventure or domain turn with a +3 to the check. If he used these to access personal funds, he would gain 50 gp per successful attempt, or 100 gp maximum. The same noble, upon reaching 12th level, has with an effective Charisma score of 18 (+1 at 4th level, +2 Presence), and can now requisition resources 6 times per adventure or domain turn (4 for Charisma, +2 at 10th level), and would obtain 600 gp from his economic resources for each successful attempt.

Behind the Curtain: How to handle a noble’s contacts. A noble’s resources are all physical resources. The contacts are individuals and it is important to have them identified in order to prevent this from being reduced to simple die roll. By using this philosophy a failed resource check can actually be an indication of trouble brewing on the horizon. For example one of the noble’s contacts is an administrator in Prince Avan’s court, who happens to ‘owe’ the noble a favour. When the noble taps this resource to find out whether or not Prince Avan is attempting to muster up his troops, by checking correspondences or supplies, the resource check fails. It would be up to the DM to decide if this failure is a result of no information being available, or if in fact the noble’s contact has been compromised leading to future political ramifications. Regardless of how this is handled the individuality of the contacts should be emphasized.

Leadership: At 2nd level, the noble’s growing status among the social elite, and his training in how to command and inspire others, manifests itself in his ability to lead and attract followers. The noble gains Leadership as a bonus feat.

Coordinate (Ex): At 3rd level, the noble gains the ability to guide the cooperation of other characters by making a Lead check (DC 15 + the number of characters commanded). If successful, this increases the bonus granted by cooperation by +2.

Look of the Noble (Ex): When a noble appears on the field and presents himself as a leader, it inspires himself and his followers, soldiers, hirelings, or other loyal subjects who can see and hear him. At 4th level, the noble and those that look to him for guidance (such as his employees, followers, or sworn subjects) gain a +1 morale bonus based on the noble’s path. Guilder path nobles grant a +1 to Search, Spot, Listen checks and Reflex saving throws. Presenting himself is a free action but entails standing tall and proud along with shouting (or forcefully giving) directions, and the bonuses last a number of rounds equal to the noble’s Charisma modifier. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the noble’s Charisma modifier.

Bonus Feat: At 6th level the noble gains a bonus feat from the list for his path. He gains an additional bonus feat from this list every 5 levels thereafter (11th and 16th levels). He must meet all of the required prerequisites for any feat selected. In addition to those feats listed the noble may choose any regional feat for his homeland since they are commonly available.

Guilder path bonus feats: Deceitful, Diligent, Master Administrator*, Master Diplomat*, Master Merchant*, Negotiator, Persuasive, Regent Focus*, Spymaster*.

1 Any feat in the chain for which this feat is listed is also available.
* Denotes feats with a domain-level effect.

Inspire Loyalty (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, the noble can use oratory to inspire long lasting confidence in his loyal followers. To inspire loyalty, the noble must speak for at least one round and make a Diplomacy check with a DC equal to 10 +1 per five allies to be inspired (including the noble). An ally inspired gains a +1 morale bonus to attacks and damage, a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws against fear and mind-influencing enchantments, and a +1 bonus to all skill checks. The effect begins with the conclusion of the noble’s oratory, and lasts for 1 minute per round the noble spent inspiring the allies, to a maximum of 1 hour for 60 rounds of inspirational speech. This ability is an enhancement of the noble’s Look of the Noble ability; each use of Inspire Loyalty counts as one use of the Look of the Noble ability. Both abilities may be used in any combination a total number of times per day equal to the noble’s Charisma modifier.
The confidence inspired by the noble increases as the noble attains levels. For every five levels after 8th, the bonus increase by +1, to a maximum of +3 at 18th level.

Presence (Ex): Beginning at 9th level, the noble has mastered the art of manipulation and command. For the purposes of noble class special abilities, skill checks, charisma checks, and the leadership feat, treat him as having a Charisma score 2 points higher than it actually is. This bonus increases by 2 points at 14th level and 19th level.

The Noble/Scholar

Level/ Attack Bonus/ Fort. Save/ Ref. Save/ Will Save/ Special

1/ +0/ +0/ +2/ +2/ 1st favoured region, Resources
2/ +1/ +0/ +3/ +3/ Leadership
3/ +2/ +1/ +3/ +3/ Coordinate +2
4/ +3/ +1/ +4/ +4/ Look of the noble
5/ +3/ +1/ +4/ +4/ 2nd favoured region, Resources +1
6/ +4/ +2/ +5/ +5/ Bonus Feat
7/ +5/ +2/ +5/ +5/
8/ +6/+1/ +2/ +6/ +6/ Inspire Loyalty +1
9/ +6/+1/ +3/ +6/ +6/ Presence +2
10/ +7/+2/ +3/ +7/ +7/ 3rd favoured region, Resources +2
11/ +8/+3/ +3/ +7/ +7/ Bonus Feat
12/ +9/+4/ +4/ +8/ +8/
13/ +9/+4/ +4/ +8/ +8/ Inspire Loyalty +2
14/ +10/+5/+4/+9/+9/ Presence +4
15/ +11/+6/+1/+5/+9/+9/ 4th Favoured region, Resources +3
16/ +12/+7/+2/+5/+10/+10/ Bonus Feat
17/ +12/+7/+2/+5/+10/+10/
18/ +13/+8/+3/+6/+11/+11/ Inspire Loyalty +3
19/ +14/+9/+4/+6/+11/+11/ Presence +6
20/ +15/+10/+5/+6/+12/+12/ 5th Favoured region, Resources +4

Abilities: Charisma is especially important for nobles because it improves their social skills and leadership potential. Intelligence is also particularly useful, as a high intelligence not only improves a large number of important skills, but it also provides the noble with extra skill points. Strength and dexterity are also important for situations in which they find themselves unable to come to a peaceful agreement with their opponents.

Alignment: Any

Class Hit Die: d6

Class Skills
The noble's class skills (and the key ability for each) are Administrate (Wis), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Lead (Cha), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language, Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Warcraft (Int).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (8 + Int bonus) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 8 + Int bonus

Class Features
The following are class features of the noble.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The noble is proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons, light armour, and shields. The noble is also proficient in the elite regional arms and armour of his nation. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to all applicable skills.

Starting Gear: 6d8 x 10 gp worth of equipment

Favoured Region (Ex): At 1st level, a noble may select a regional area (such as the Southern Coast, Western Coast, Heartlands, Northern Marches, or Eastern Marches of Anuire). Due to his extensive experience with the people, customs, and attitudes of the nobles and training in techniques for manipulating the nobility of this region, the noble gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nobility), and Sense Motive checks when using these skills in relation to regents and members of the upper class of this region.
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th), the noble may select an additional favoured region. In addition, at each such interval the bonus in any one favoured region (including the one just selected, if desired) increases by 2.

Resources (Ex): A noble gains the ability to requisition resources and information by drawing on their reputation, personal and family wealth, and the promise of future favours. To successfully use their influence to gain access to resources, the noble rolls 1d20 and adds his noble level and his Charisma modifier to determine the resources check result. The DM sets the check’s DC. Simple favours have a DC 10, while expensive or illegal favours have a DC of 25 or higher.

A noble can only throw around so much influence before exhausting their goodwill. At 1st level, a noble can requisition resources a number of times equal to his Charisma modifier per adventure (or Domain turn, if more appropriate), with a minimum of 1 attempt per adventure at 1st level (even with a Charisma modifier of 0 or less). He may make an additional attempt per adventure or domain turn at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th). A failed check doesn’t expend any of the noble’s influence, but the noble cannot attempt to access the same resource (or contact) and suffers a cumulative –2 to every subsequent attempt that domain turn made to gain the same benefit from other resources. The DM should carefully monitor the use of this ability to ensure that it isn’t abused.

Resources are comprised of physical holdings that generate income and contacts or individuals or organizations that the noble has connections with. The income that can be accessed is equal to 50 gp per Noble level per successful attempt. Accessing these monetary assets is considered a simple favour (DC 10) when done in person. This means that the noble must be physically present in his home province when this action is attempted. The difficulty of this action is increased when the noble is further away. These assets should be carefully documented between the player and DM.
Example: A 1st level noble with a Charisma of 15 (+2) could make 2 resource checks per adventure or domain turn with a +3 to the check. If he used these to access personal funds, he would gain 50 gp per successful attempt, or 100 gp maximum. The same noble, upon reaching 12th level, has with an effective Charisma score of 18 (+1 at 4th level, +2 Presence), and can now requisition resources 6 times per adventure or domain turn (4 for Charisma, +2 at 10th level), and would obtain 600 gp from his economic resources for each successful attempt.

Behind the Curtain: How to handle a noble’s contacts. A noble’s resources are all physical resources. The contacts are individuals and it is important to have them identified in order to prevent this from being reduced to simple die roll. By using this philosophy a failed resource check can actually be an indication of trouble brewing on the horizon. For example one of the noble’s contacts is an administrator in Prince Avan’s court, who happens to ‘owe’ the noble a favour. When the noble taps this resource to find out whether or not Prince Avan is attempting to muster up his troops, by checking correspondences or supplies, the resource check fails. It would be up to the DM to decide if this failure is a result of no information being available, or if in fact the noble’s contact has been compromised leading to future political ramifications. Regardless of how this is handled the individuality of the contacts should be emphasized.

Leadership: At 2nd level, the noble’s growing status among the social elite, and his training in how to command and inspire others, manifests itself in his ability to lead and attract followers. The noble gains Leadership as a bonus feat.

Coordinate (Ex): At 3rd level, the noble gains the ability to guide the cooperation of other characters by making a Lead check (DC 15 + the number of characters commanded). If successful, this increases the bonus granted by cooperation by +2.

Look of the Noble (Ex): When a noble appears on the field and presents himself as a leader, it inspires himself and his followers, soldiers, hirelings, or other loyal subjects who can see and hear him. At 4th level, the noble and those that look to him for guidance (such as his employees, followers, or sworn subjects) gain a +1 morale bonus based on the noble’s path. Scholar path nobles grant a +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks and all saving throws versus spells and spell-like effects. Presenting himself is a free action but entails standing tall and proud along with shouting (or forcefully giving) directions, and the bonuses last a number of rounds equal to the noble’s Charisma modifier. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the noble’s Charisma modifier.

Bonus Feat: At 6th level the noble gains a bonus feat from the list for his path. He gains an additional bonus feat from this list every 5 levels thereafter (11th and 16th levels). He must meet all of the required prerequisites for any feat selected. In addition to those feats listed the noble may choose any regional feat for his homeland since they are commonly available.

Scholar path bonus feats: Diligent, Eschew Materials, Investigator, Magical Aptitude, Master Administrator*, Master Diplomat*, Master of the Arcane*, Regent Focus*, Self Sufficient, Skill Focus, Spell Focus, Wilderness Savant*.

1 Any feat in the chain for which this feat is listed is also available.
* Denotes feats with a domain-level effect.

Inspire Loyalty (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, the noble can use oratory to inspire long lasting confidence in his loyal followers. To inspire loyalty, the noble must speak for at least one round and make a Diplomacy check with a DC equal to 10 +1 per five allies to be inspired (including the noble). An ally inspired gains a +1 morale bonus to attacks and damage, a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws against fear and mind-influencing enchantments, and a +1 bonus to all skill checks. The effect begins with the conclusion of the noble’s oratory, and lasts for 1 minute per round the noble spent inspiring the allies, to a maximum of 1 hour for 60 rounds of inspirational speech. This ability is an enhancement of the noble’s Look of the Noble ability; each use of Inspire Loyalty counts as one use of the Look of the Noble ability. Both abilities may be used in any combination a total number of times per day equal to the noble’s Charisma modifier.
The confidence inspired by the noble increases as the noble attains levels. For every five levels after 8th, the bonus increase by +1, to a maximum of +3 at 18th level.

Presence (Ex): Beginning at 9th level, the noble has mastered the art of manipulation and command. For the purposes of noble class special abilities, skill checks, charisma checks, and the leadership feat, treat him as having a Charisma score 2 points higher than it actually is. This bonus increases by 2 points at 14th level and 19th level.

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