In addition to the normal D&D 3.5e feats, the following BR spesific feats are in play:

Animal Whispers [General, Racial]
You have a limited form of ability to speak with animals.

Elf, Cha 13+
You gain a +2 bonus on all animal empathy skill checks. You may use animal empathy untrained.

Arcane Sanctum [General]
Your magical power is enhanced at a specific location.

Blood 13+, Arcane spell caster
Choose one distinct geographic location in a province in which you hold a source holding. This sanctum can be an estate, an area of a forest, a cave-system, or any other clearly defined area near a source of your local arcane power.

This area cannot exceed a radius of one mile x source holding level. You add +1 to the DCs for all saving throws against spells you cast on opponents in that location. Furthermore, if you are in the immediate presence (close range) of the manifestation of the source of your local arcane power (the source manifestation) during the casting, you may additionally add your source holding rating in the province to the DC.

Battle Caster [General]
You are capable of casting battle spells in tactical combat.

Spellcaster, level 5th+ and 3 ranks in Warcraft
You are able to cast Battle Magics

Blood Focus [General]
Your blood abilities are hard to resist.

Blood 13+
Add +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against your blood abilities. You get a +2 bonus to your character level checks (1d20 + character level) to beat a creature's spell resistance.

Bloodline Prodigy [General]
Choose one of your blood abilities. You are able to use it more often and to greater effect than your peers.

Blood 17+
All variable, numeric effects of the blood ability are increased by one-half. Additionally, if the ability has a limited number of uses over a given time period, the ability can be used twice as often.

City-dweller [General]
You have spent most of your life living in a large city.

Anuire, Brechtür, Khinasi
You gain a +2 bonus on all gather information checks. Speak language is a class skill for you.

Conqueror [General]
Conquest is in your blood.

Anuire, Vos
You gain a +1 bonus on all lead and Warcraft skill checks and a +1 bonus on will saves.

Daily Blessing [Divine]
You may channel energy to invoke the blessing of your patron deity of your tribe.

Human, Ability to turn/rebuke undead, Cha 13+
A character with this feat may invoke the special blessing of the patron deity of their culture to a devout worshiper of the deity’s chosen tribe.

This feat is only effective when taken by divine spellcasters that worship the traditional tribal god of their people. A cleric can only invoke their patron deity. For example, an Anuirean cleric of Haelyn can invoke the blessing of Haelyn (the tribal god of the Anuirean culture). An Anuirean cleric of Eloéle or a Khinasi cleric of Haelyn would gain no benefit from this feat.

You may use this feat to invoke a blessing on any target that is a faithful worshiper of the deity and of the appropriate culture.
For example, an Anuirean cleric of Haelyn could target himself, or any Anuirean that is a devout worshiper of Haelyn.
The cleric could not target an Anuirean worshiper of Ruornil or a Khinasi worshiper of Haelyn.

Each use of this feat requires one minute spent in prayer and the expenditure of one of your daily turn/rebuke undead attempts.
The blessing lasts until the normal time of the day when you refresh your turn/rebuke undead attempts (thus, each blessing has a maximum duration of 24 hours). The benefit of this feat depends upon the deity invoked.

Avani (Khinasi): Target gains a +2 sacred bonus on saves against arcane spells cast by evil spellcasters.
Belinik (Vos):
Target gains a +2 sacred bonus to Con.
Erik (Rjurik)
: Target receives a +2 sacred bonus to Animal Empathy, Hide, and Move Silently in wilderness settings.
Haelyn (Anuirean):
You receive a +1 sacred bonus to attack rolls and a morale bonus of +1 to saving throws against fear, hold, and mind-affecting magic.
Nesirie (Masetian)
: Target receives a +1 sacred bonus to all skill checks relating to healing or the sea. Furthermore, you receive a +4 bonus on Con checks to avoid drowning in water.
Sera (Brecht)
: Target receives a +1 luck bonus to a single roll of your choice or may instead impose a –1 luck penalty to a single roll made by an opponent against you. The use of this luck (or unluck) must be declared before rolling the die.

Discipline [General]
Your culture values discipline, endurance, and the fulfillment of duty, and these goals are deeply instilled in you.

Anuire, Dwarf
You gain a +1 bonus on all fortitude and will saves.

Divine Sanctum [General]
Your magical power is enhanced at a specific location.

Blood 13+, Divine spell caster
Choose one distinct geographic location in a province in which you hold a temple holding. This sanctum can be an estate, an area of a forest, a village, or any other clearly defined area near a source of your local divine power. This area cannot exceed a radius of one mile x source holding level. You add +1 to the DCs for all saving throws against spells you cast on opponents in that location.

Furthermore, if you are in the immediate presence (close range) of the center of your local religious power (generally an altar, shrine, or statue) during the casting, you may additionally add your temple holding rating in the province to the DC.

Dwarven Artisan [General]
You have studied dwarven smithing techniques and can forge items of superior masterwork quality.

Craft skill
Each time you take this feat, choose a craft skill in which you have 10 or more ranks. You can craft superior masterwork items using the chosen skill. The masterwork component of such an item costs three times the regular masterwork component. A superior masterwork item has the regular benefits of a masterwork item, plus the following:
Armor or shield:
Has +50% hit points.
You gain an additional +1 circumstance bonus when using the item to perform related tasks.
Adds +1 to damage.
You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new craft skill. Dwarves do not generally share knowledge of their smithing techniques with members of other races. Only dwarves may begin with this feat.

Elven Artisan [General]
You are skilled in the art of making magic items.

Craft skill
When determining your cost in XP and raw materials for creating certain magical items, multiply the base price by 75%. The item to be enhanced must be a masterwork item that you personally create using an appropriate craft skill (jewelry, swordmaking, bowmaking, etc.) This feat does not apply to the creation of scrolls, potions, or other magical items without a masterwork component.
Elves do not generally share knowledge of their smithing techniques with members of other races. Only elves may begin with this feat.

Elven Voice [General, Racial]
You have trained your naturally melodious voice to perfection and can hold members of other races spellbound.

Elf, Perform (Song) skill, Cha 13+
You receive a +2 to all Diplomacy and Perform [Song] checks. You receive a +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against enchantment [charm] spells that you cast.

Forestdweller [General]
You are at home in the great forests of Cerilia.

Elf, Rjurik
You receive a +2 bonus on the wilderness lore and profession (herbalist) skills in forest terrain. Further, you receive a +1 bonus on listen and spot skill checks in forest terrain.

Great Leader [General]
You are a great leader.

Cha 13+ and 8 ranks in Lead
You gain a +2 bonus on all Lead checks, and on domain-level actions that gain a synergy bonus from the Lead skill. If you take the Leadership feat, you gain a +2 bonus to your leadership score.

Highlander [General]
You come from the highlands of Rjurik.

You gain a +2 bonus on wilderness lore checks in forest, highland and hills. You gain a +1 bonus on fortitude saves.

Leadership [General] [Modified]
In addition to the benefits listed in the
Dungeon Masters Guide, BIRTHRIGHT characters may use this feat to attract military units as cohorts. A military cohort counts against the total cohort level to which the character is normally entitled. In order to attract a military cohort, a character must have a base attack bonus of +6 or higher. If a military cohort is selected, the character may muster an army consisting of units whose total muster value in GB does not exceed their cohort level (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 45). There is no GB cost attached to recruiting a military cohort, but it does require a dedicated domain action to muster each unit. Thus, it would take three months of dedicated effort for a character to apply their leadership to muster a military cohort consisting of three units. The character can only muster units that could normally be raised in a particular province (see Chapter Six: Armies and Warfare). Once mustered, the military cohort will remain standing until destroyed or disbanded.

Even the most able of leaders must provide food and shelter for their men. However, the men of a military cohort follow primarily out of personal loyalty and thus maintenance costs for the units of a military cohort are reduced by 50%.

The total GB muster value of the units in a military cohort may never exceed the cohort level appropriate for your leadership score. If a unit in a military cohort is destroyed, the value of the destroyed unit counts against the military cohort for a full year. After a year passes, the leader may "re-spend" the muster value associated with the destroyed unit. The muster value associated with healthy units that are voluntarily disbanded are available again immediately.

Massive losses and/or impressive military victories may modify the character's leadership score.

The way to calculate your Leadership score in this game for Cohort:
Your Level + Charisma modifier + Blood Strength (+1 minor, +2 major, +3 Great, +4 True). The normal negative modifications for causing death of previous cohorts etc is as normal DMG (-2). As well as the one for having a Familiar, Animal Companion, and Special Mount (-2).

The way to calculate your Leadership score in this game for Followers:
Your Level + Charisma modifier + Blood Strength (+1 minor, +2 major, +3 Great, +4 True) + 2 if one has a Fortification, Palace or Court of 3 GB+. The normal negative modifications for causing death of followers etc is as normal DMG.

Master Administrator [General]
You are a master of administration.

Int 13+ and 8 ranks in Administrator
You gain a +2 bonus on any Administrate skill checks and to domain-level actions that receive a potential synergy bonus from Administrate. The DC for reducing domain maintenance cost is always 15 for you.

Master Diplomat [General]
You are a master of diplomacy.

Anuire, Brechtür, Khinasi
Cha 13+ and 8 ranks in Diplomacy
You gain a +2 bonus on any Diplomacy checks and to domain-level actions that receive a potential synergy bonus from the Diplomacy.

Master Merchant [General]
You are a master of trade and merchandise.

Brechtür, Khinasi
Int 13+, Cha 13+ and 8 ranks in Profession (Mercant)
You receive a +2 bonus on Appraise and Diplomacy checks, and on domain-level actions related to trade and finance.

Military Genius [General]
You are renowned for your innovative army management.

Int 13+ and 8 ranks in Warcraft
You receive a +2 bonus on all Warcraft checks and domain-level actions that receive a potential synergy bonus from Warcraft. You receive an additional +2 bonus on checks involving tactical movement.

Northerner [General]
You are accustomed to the cold winters of the north.
Rjurik, Vos
You gain a +1 bonus on all Fortitude saves. You gain an additional +4 bonus on all Fortitude saves to resist subdual damage from cold and exposure (Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 86). You must suffer subdual damage equal to at least one quarter of your current hit points before becoming fatigued from frostbite or hypothermia.
A character without this feat is fatigued if they receive any amount of subdual damage from cold weather effects.

Plainsrider [General]
Your come from the wide-open plains of the Khinasi.

Ride skill
You gain a +2 bonus on all animal empathy, handle animal, heal and ride checks related to horses.

Regent Focus [General]
You are particularly skilled with one aspect of domain interaction.

Select one domain-level action. You gain a +4 bonus for checks with that action.
You may select this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new domain-level action. You cannot take this feat on Train Unit, and on Rule Province it will only count as +1 GB.

Seafarer [General]
You are a seasoned sailor.

Brecht, Khinasi
Profession (sailor) skill
You gain a +2 bonus on all Profession (sailor) checks. You gain a +2 bonus on Balance, Climb, and Tumble checks while aboard a ship.

Shadow Magic [General]
You can draw upon the power of the shadow world for your spells.

Spellcaster level 1+
Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against all Illusion and Necromantic spells you cast. Add an additional +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against Illusion (Shadow) spells you cast.

Skill Training [General]
You have trained yourself in the arts of a skill.
Benefits: You add one skill to your list of Class-skill. It will remain so no matter what.

Spellsong Mastery [Metamagic, Racial]
You are a master in the art of the ancient Sidhelien spellsong.

Elf, Elven Voice, Still Spell, Perform, Cha 13+
You may cast any prepared arcane spell without using somatic components by increasing the verbal components. Thus, spellsongs are not subject to arcane spell failure. Spells cast using spellsong are cast at their normal level but take more time to cast. If the spell's normal casting time is 1 action, casting the spell as a spellsong requires 1 full round casting time. For spells with a longer casting time, it takes an extra full-round action to cast the spell.

Spymaster [General]
You are a master of espionage and intrigue.
Prerequisite: Gather Information skill, Cha 13+
You gain a +2 bonus on all bluff, disguise and gather information skill checks.

In addition its important to note that the Feat Toughness is changed. Instead of granting 3 hitpoints, it grants +1 hp for each HD (aka like Improved Thoughness in a later publication).
There is also the following two (identical) feats called;

Improved Toughness [General]
Prerequisite: Toughness, 5th level.

Greater Toughness [General]
Prerequisite: Improved Toughness, 10th level.

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