Deepest Night
Evocation [Darkness]
Night 9You make the night deeper, or you can even plunge a daylit area into temporary night. This spell creates a darkness that gradually thickens over one minute, darkening the areas and subduing all natural senses save those of the caster.
For the duration of the spell, all creatures in the area suffer a –10 penalty to Spot and Listen checks. The area counts as near total darkness, and provides nine-tenths cover (40% miss chance). These effects are felt by all creatures within the area (except for the caster) regardless of their normal sensory acuity; normal vision, darkvision, scent, blindsight, tremorsense, or any other sensory ability is affected equally.
All sources of light, including magical effects of less than 5th level, are magically dimmed, and provide illumination equivalent to dim candlelight (5 ft. radius).
If this spell is cast during the daytime, its duration is
reduced to 1 minute/level.
Detect Elven Influence
Brd 3, Clr 2, Drd 2, Mag 3, Sor/Wiz 3You can detect whether elves have influenced an area in the recent past (one month per level). “Influenced” can mean anything from passing though to leveling the area with magical energy. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area or subject:
1st round:
Presence or absence of elven influenceInfluence Influence Strength
Influence Strength Aura Strength
Lingering Dim
1 or less Faint
2-4 Moderate
5-10 Strong
11+ Overwhelming
How long the aura lingers depends on its original strength:
Original Strength Duration
Faint 1d6 x 10 minutes
Moderate 1d6 hours
Strong 1d6 days
Overwhelming 1d6 months
Note: Each round you can detect in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
Arcane Focus:
An object once touched or owned by an elf or half-elf.Disguise Bloodline
Illusion (Glamer)
Mag 7, Sor/Wiz 7You can cause a creature to appear to have the physical characteristics of any bloodline derivation and strength. All physical characteristics (such as bloodmarks, etc) are cloaked as if by
change self. Furthermore, the target gains a +4 to saving throws against bloodline-oriented divinations. Observers gain an immediate check to disbelief if the subject uses any visible blood abilities.Enhance Blood Ability
Clr 4, Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 5This spell enables the target to temporarily tap the essence of their bloodline. The target must possess a blood ability that can be improved one power level (minor to major, or major to great). The caster must know the bloodline derivation and blood ability to be affected. The ability is improved one power level for the duration of the spell. When the spell expires, the affected character suffers 1d4 + 1 points of temporary ability score damage to their Bloodline due to the strain this places upon them.
Arcane Focus: Two similar objects – one large, one small.Fury of Winter
Evocation [Cold]
Winter 9Blizzard:
You change the weather in the local area. This works exactly as a control weather spell, except that the duration is measured in 4d12 days (not hours), the casting time is only one-full round, and you can only create a blizzard effect.Breath of Winter:
You create an effect similar to a cone of cold spell, with a medium range and a 3 round duration. In the first round of the spell, it will inflict 1d8 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 20d8) to any creature caught in the cone. Half of this damage is divine in nature and not subject to regular cold resistance. A Reflex save is permitted for half damage. In the second round of this spell, the wind intensifies to tornado-level winds, blowing away large or smaller creatures, knocking down huge creatures, and checking gargantuan and colossal creatures. In all cases, creatures are moved away from the spellcaster. This effect persists through the third round of the spell. In the third round after casting this spell, any creature remaining within the area must make a Fortitude save or be frozen stiff, unable to move or take any actions requiring movement or somatic gestures. A frozen creature is permitted a Strength check against a DC of 20 to break free every round; otherwise, creatures remain frozen for 1d6+1 rounds.Gift of Eloéle
Night 5You call upon a portion of Eloéle’s power, imbuing yourself with the essence of night. You gain an enhancement bonus to Dexterity and a competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks equal to your caster level. Furthermore, you gain the ability to make one sneak attack during the spell's duration as if a rogue of your caster level. Multi-class cleric/rogues sum their levels when determining sneak attack bonus.
Hand of Ice
Transmutation [Cold]
Winter 1This spell magically imbues your hand with the cold fury of winter. Your successful melee touch attack deals 1d8 points of cold damage +1 point per caster level. Due to the intense cold, a touched victim must make a Fortitude save or only be able to take a partial action on her next turn.
Khinasi Trader's Tongue
Illusion (Glamer)
Mag 1, Trade 1You have an unfair advantage when haggling. Whenever you quote a price during a financial negotiation, an affected target hears, instead, the exact amount of money (or goods) that they are willing to accept or pay for a particular item. You receive a +5 bonus on skill checks for any financial negotiation, barter, transaction, contract, or sale.
Material component: a vial of snake oil.Know Bloodline
Brd 3, Clr 3, Drd 3, Mag 3, Sor/Wiz 3You learn the bloodline strength (minor, major, or great) and derivation of the target. Because stronger bloodlines are easier to identify the target’s Bloodline bonus acts as a penalty to their saving throw (visa-versa, if the target has a bloodline penalty, it acts as a bonus to their saving throw).
Arcane Focus: An iron rod and a collection of minor gemstones (5 gp each) representing the different bloodlines. The gem that corresponds to the target’s bloodline will shatter when the spell is complete.
Mask Bloodline
Illusion (Glamer)
Mag 4, Sor/Wiz 4You can hide the derivation and strength of a bloodline from others. All physical characteristics (such as bloodmarks, etc) are cloaked as if by
change self. Furthermore, the target gains a +4 to saving throws against bloodline-oriented divinations. Observers gain an immediate check to disbelieve if the subject uses any visible blood abilities.Moonbeam
Clr 2, Drd 1, Moon 2This spell renders an undead creature immobile. If the spell is successful, it renders the target immobile for the duration of the spell (similar to the effects of
hold person on a living target).Focus:
A reflective moon or sun-shaped talisman.Night’s Embrace
Transmutation [Darkness]
Night 3You are embraced by the shadows of the night. While this spell is in effect, you are shadowy and insubstantial. You gain the ability to hide in plain sight (as per the Shadowdancer prestige class in the
Dungeon Master's Guide) and have no movement penalty when moving silently. In dimly light areas, you always have one-half concealment (yielding a 20% miss chance).Purity of Reason
Abjuration [Mind-Affecting]
Reason 8This spell creates an emanation of shimmering yellow light extending from you out to the maximum range of the spell. The illuminated area acts as a limited
antimagic field that suppresses illusion, enchantment, and mind-affecting spells or spell-like effects. Any emotion-affecting effects, such as a barbarian’s rage or a bard’s music, are also suppressed. For the duration of the effect, all creatures within the area can understand each other as if a tongues spell had been cast upon them. The area is also considered to be a zone of truth. Finally, all creatures in the areas are affected as if under the effects of a sanctuary spell.Shadow Portal
Drd 4, Mag 4, Sor/Wiz 4You can sense the presence of temporary or permanent portals to the shadow world. You gain the Shadow Guide and Shadow Walker feats (see Chapter One:
Characters) for the duration of the spell. Also, you are automatically aware of any permanent portals in range.Suppress Blood Ability
Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5This spell temporarily removes an individual’s ability to access one of their blood abilities. The caster of the spell must know the derivation of the target and the ability to be suppressed. This difficulty of this spell is, in part, determined by the relative strength of the caster and victim's bloodline scores. Thus, the caster's bloodline modifier is added to the save DC of this spell. Similarly, the target's Bloodline bonus acts as an additional bonus to their fortitude save.
Material component: A small piece of a totem animal associated with the target’s bloodline derivation.Suppress Bloodline
Mag 8, Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 8This spell temporarily removes an individual’s ability to access all of their blood abilities (except for the permanent physical changes caused by a
bloodform). The caster of the spell must know the derivation of the target. The difficulty of this spell is, in part, determined by the relative strength of the caster and victim's bloodline scores. Thus, the caster's bloodline modifier is added to the save DC of this spell. Similarly, the target's Bloodline bonus acts as an additional bonus to their Fortitude save. Material component: Many small pieces of a totem animal associated with the target’s bloodline derivation.Transport via Water
Sea 6This spell allows you to move quickly from one body of water to a connected body of water. You must immerse yourself in a body of water during the casting of the spell. You and up to 100 lbs of equipment are transported safely at a rate of 1 mile per minute through open water for the duration of the spell. Underwater, you are largely unaware of surface surroundings, but you are aware of the distance that you have traveled and can stop reliably at any known destination in range.
Winter Wolves
Conjuration [Evil, Cold]
Winter 8This spell summons a pack of winter wolves to assist you. They can appear anywhere within range of the spell. The winter wolves summoned are lawful evil in alignment and are highly obedient. They will perform any task the cleric sets before them to the best of their ability, and they will even act independently to achieve the cleric’s goals if he commands them to. The winter wolves summoned by this spell cannot be commanded by anyone else, and are immune to charm, domination, and other similar enchantments.