Blood Ability | Derivations | Effects |
Alertness | Az, Ba, Br, Re | More alert to his surroundings and
harder to surprise. Minor: +1 to Spot&Listen, and always gets to act in surprise rounds. The scion is considered to have the Alertness feat for any prerequisites that require it. |
Alter Appearance | Az, Br, Vo |
The scion can briefly change their approximate build and
facial features by means of a natural illusory talent. |
Animal Affinity | All |
The scion possesses an affinity and skill for communicating with the totem animal of their bloodline derivation. The ancient totem animal for Anduiras was the lion; for Basaïa, the eagle; for Brenna, the cat; for Masela, the dolphin; for Reynir, the wolf; for Vorynn, the owl; and for Azrai, the serpent.Minor: Can communicate empathically with animal of totem species up to 60 feet. Major: As Minor, also speak with animals and animal friendship at will. Great: As Minor and Major, also can detect and command animal of totem species; can wild shape 1/day as druid into the form of the totem animal, and by concentrating for one round (full round action), the scion can see through the animal’s eyes using the creature’s vision instead of the scion’s own |
Battlewise | An, Az | The scion with this ability is a military genius, blessed with an
uncanny power to analyze enemy weaknesses, create sound plans of attack,
and inspire troops to victory. Major: In battle, the units under the character's command gain a bonus to attack and defense ratings. |
Berserkers Blood | Az, Vo |
Scions with this ability can surpass the limits of mortal endurance and battle after other mortals would have died at the hands of their enemies. Great: When a scion with the Berserker’s Blood blood ability suffers enough damage that his hit points fall to half of his normal maximum, he can choose to go into a berserk fury. The scion gains a +6 to Strength, +6 to Constitution, and a +3 morale bonus on Will saves, but suffers a -2 penalty to AC while in the berserk fury. The increase in Constitution increases the scion’s hit points by 3 per level, but any damage suffered while in this fury remains when the scion's Constitution score returns to normal. While in his fury, the scion cannot use skills or abilities that require patience and concentration, such as moving silently or casting spells. He cannot use ranged weapons. He can use feats, with the exception of expertise, item creation feats, or metamagic feats. While in a fury the scion attacks continuously until no foes remain. A scion attacks each foe single-mindedly, not withdrawing until the foe is slain. In order to avoid attacking a friend or innocent bystander, the scion must make a Will save (DC 15 + the number of rounds already spent in the fury). A fit of berserker’s fury lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the scion’s (raged) Constitution modifier. The scion can not end the fury prematurely. If there are no longer any surviving flesh and blood opponents in sight, the scion randomly attacks walls, rocks, trees, doors, or anything else on which he can take out his rage. At the end of the fury, the scion is fatigued (-2 Strength, -2 to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the encounter. The scion can only fly into a fury once per day. |
Blood History | Br, Ma, Vo |
The scion is blessed (or cursed) with the memories of his/her ancestors. Minor: With concentration, the scion can call upon thememories of all direct ancestors. A scion gains these memories at the time of his birth; therefore, the scion will have none of his parent’s memories of events later than the scion’s birth. A sibling born two years later, however, would gain two years of memories that the older sibling would not have. Likewise, the scion would gain his grandfather’s memories up to the time of the scion’s father’s birth; from that point on, the scion would gain the memories of his father, not the memories of his grandfather. Not all memories recalled are pleasant; knowing the sin's and sorrows of one's parents is often as much of a curse as it a blessing. Knowledge: A scion with this ability has access to stray knowledge about notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. The scion may make a Bardic Knowledge check (see the Player's Handbook) as if they were a Bard of equal level. A bard with this ability receives a +2 bonus to their normal check. If the scion's ancestors could not possibly had insight into the problem, then this check automatically fails. This ability also grants a +4 bonus to Knowledge (History).Skills : Once per day, the scion may call this ability to provide a temporarily gain any skill possessed by their ancestors that has Intelligence or Wisdom as its key ability. With a successful bloodline check, the scion gains 5 ranks in the skill. If the scion already has 10 or more ranks in the skill, they add only 2 ranks. The scion retains the temporary skills for 1 minute per character level. To use this ability, the scion must concentrate (as a moveequivalent action) and succeed on a bloodline check verse a DC based upon how difficult the memories are to access. This check could range from DC 10 for a skill fairly common to the scion's ancestors to DC 35+ for insight into a skill very rare among the scion's ancestors. |
Bloodform | Az | Major: Slow transformation into an awnshegh. Great: Quicker and/or more powerful transformation into an awnshegh. |
Bloodmark | All | The scion bears a visible,
recognizable sign of his special heritage. Minor: Depending on the family, it may be a white streak in the hair, eyes of brilliant green, or a birthmark. NPCs that recognize the mark will tend to be respectful toward the scion, and even enemies perceive the mark as a warning to conduct themselves carefully when around the scion. The confidence imparted to the scion with such a bloodmark provides a +1 bonus to all Charisma-based skills. |
Bloodtrait | All except Az | Major: Slow transformation into an ehrshegh. Great: Quicker and/or more powerful transformation into an ehrshegh. |
Character Reading | Ba, Br, Vo |
The scion is an unnaturally perceptive judge of character and can quickly form accurate assessments of another character’s intentions attitudes and motivations. Major: The scion must speak with the person in question for at least one minute to form an impression. The scion gains a +6 bonus to Sense Motive checks. |
Charm Aura | Az, Ba, Br | The scion projects an invisible
shroud of power. Major: The scion can charm (per the spell charm person) up to six non-hostile creatures or scare (per the spell of the same name) up to six enemies within a 50 foot radius. This power is usable three times per day and will only affect only nonblooded creatures. Charm aura, when used in combination with divine aura, can extend the range of either aura to 100 feet. The price of using this power is being often being recognized and well-known (which may inhibit certain activities). Only affects creatures of less then six HD. Great: The scion can charm (per the spell mass charm) all non-hostile creatures and confuse (per the spell confusion) all hostile beings within a 75-foot radius. This power is usable three times per day and only affects non-blooded creatures. Charm aura, when used in combination with divine aura, can extend the range of either aura to 100 feet. The price of using this power is being often recognized and well-known (which may inhibit certain activities). Only affects creatues of less then six HD. |
Courage | An |
As the ancient god of noble battle, Anduiras imbued supernatural courage into many of the bloodlines derived from him. Minor: Automatically succeed all saves vs fear effects. For effects that are normally allowed no save, the scion may roll a normal Will saving throw against DC 15 to resist the effect. Major: The effects of the Minor ability are extended to all allies within 10 feet of the scion. Great: In addition to the effects of the Major ability the scion gains the following: Battlefield morale: The military units close to the scion automatically succeeds all unit morale checks. |
Death Touch | Az |
A scion with this ability can exude a virulent fluid in some manner. Contact with this toxin either results in an infection that causes a disease effect, or acts like a poison. Minor: With the slightest contact, death touch can spoil food and drink, or pollute a small well or enclosed pool of water. This ability manifests in a wide variety of ways, such as a skin-contact fluid (emitted through pores on hands or other appendages), injected fluids (introduced through fangs or another piercing implement), or a spray or cloud (anything from a mist-like breath weapon to an underwater ink cloud). At its widest dispersal, the death touch affects only those creatures within a 25-foot radius of the emission point. The scion chooses (with GM input/approval) the method in which this ability is manifested (injected, contact or spray). Contact forces a victim to make an immediate Fortitude save or else contract a disease that makes the character loose hitpoints each day, or loose Con right away if it acts like a poison. The disease will be in affect until cured. Major: The Major power is like the minor, only much more virulent. If it acts like a poison, the affect is near doubled. If it acts like a disease, then the character will have to take a secondary Fortitude save after 10 rounds, if both saves failed, the character dies. If only one was failed, the disease acts like the Minor version. |
Detect Illusion | All except An |
Scions with this ability are rarely fooled by illusion spells and effects that create false visual images. Minor: When a scion encounters an illusion or effect, he is immediately allowed a disbelief check (Will Save). Success means the scion instantly perceives the illusion for what it is, even if he is making no particular effort to disbelieve the illusion. If the scion consciously attempts to disbelieve, he does so with a +4 bonus to the saving throw. |
Detect Lie | All except Az |
The scion has a knack for determining whether a character is lying. Minor: Can discern lie 1/day (max 1 target). |
Direction Sense | Ma, Re | A scion with direction sense has almost no chance of becoming lost.
Minor: As long as the scion knows his destination, he has an unerring sense of the direction in which the destination lies. This does not mean that the scion always follows the easiest course when traveling, since the scion could easily encounter impassable terrain and be forced to detour around it. The scion can also retrace his steps with ease. Scions of Reynir's derivation have this ability only in wilderness or rural settings, while descendants of Masela's blood cannot get lost at sea. Regardless, the scion also gains a +3 synergy bonus to all Survival checks in the applicable surroundings used to keep from getting lost. The scion always knows where true north lies in relation to himself. |
Divine Aura | All except Br |
An intangible mantle of power and nobility surrounds some scions, commanding respect from all they meet. Major: Influence non-blooded characters. Divine aura marks the character as a scion of power. The Divine Aura’s effect is a +2 bonus to Charisma-based skills. Enthrall nonblooded characters: The scion can enhance his aura once per day with one round of concentration (a full round action). The scion can enthrall (as per the spell of the same name) any nonblooded creatures. The price of using this power is often recognized and well-known (which may inhibit certain activities). Great: In addition to the Major effects the scion also gains the following: The scion's bonus to Charisma-based skills is increased to a +4. Hypnotic pattern/fear non-blooded characters: The scion’s aura acts as a hypnotic pattern (as per the spell of the same name) against non-hostile creatures and as a fear spell (as per the spell of the same name) against enemies. This ability affects only non-blooded characters. |
Divine Wrath | An, Ba, Ma |
When a scion with this ability is moved to great anger, he becomes a terrible enemy. The scion’s body is imbued with extreme strength, and the mere sight of his angry visage terrifies his enemies. *Only scions with Bloodtrait or a Great bloodline may take this ability. Great: The divine wrath can never be summoned voluntarily; it comes over the scion only when he battles a being that has either wronged him or someone he cares about. The divine wrath lasts ten rounds + one round/level. This condition grants the scion the following: Strength increase: The scion gains a +4 to Strength. Improved saves: The scion gains a +4 bonus to all saving throws. Increased toughness: The scion gains a damage reduction of 1/- to all attacks. Maximized spells: All spells cast by the scion are maximized (as per the meta-magic feat). Fear gaze: The scion gains a gaze attack with a range of ten feet. Anyone who meets the scion's gaze must make a must make a Will Save or be stricken with fear (as per the spell of the same name). |
Elemental Control | An, Ba, Ma, Re |
Several of the old gods were closely tied to one of the four elements. Masela was goddess of the sea; Basaïa was associated with the sun; Reynir was tied to earth; and Anduiras was associated with the skies. A few particularly powerful scions of these lines also inherited their progenitor’s powers over these elements. Great: A scion can summon a single elemental of the appropriate type once per week with no risk of the creature turning on him as per the spell Summon Monster V. Elemental spell. Once per day the scion also receives one of the following powers (as per the spell of the same name) depending on his bloodline derivation. Scions of Anduiras may cast control winds; scions of Basaïa may cast protection from elements (fire); scions of Reynir may meld into stone or passwall; and scions of Masela may water walk. |
Endurance | An, Ba, Ma, Re
Scions with this ability can undertake physical hardship
that borders on the supernatural. |
Enhanced Sense | An | Minor: Can detect evil 3/day. Major: Can detect evil at will. |
Enhanced Sense | Az | Minor: Darkvision 60 feet. The scion gains a +2 bonus to
his spot check to discover someone hiding in shadows. Major: As Minor, also see into Shadow World (detect evil/detect undead/detect magic) at will. +4 bonus to his spot check to discover someone hiding in shadows. |
Enhanced Sense | Ba | Minor: Scions of
Basaïa’s blood have the vision of a hawk. They can spot detail and
motion at twice the distance of a normal human. Distance penalties to
spot checks are halved (reduced to -1 per 20 feet). All missile range
penalties are decreased by one category (i.e., penalties are reduced by
2). Major: As Minor, also project beams of sunlight from eyes, penetrating any darkness to 60 feet. |
Enhanced Sense | Br | Minor: Low-light vision 60 feet, +2 to Spot and Listen checks. |
Enhanced Sense | Ma | Minor: Sight and hearing not hindered by weather, can see
out to 120 feet even in the worst conditions. Major: In addition to the Minor effects the scion can hear his name spoken (as well as anything said about him) anywhere within a 10-mile radius of his current location, providing that both the scion and the speaker are outdoors at the time. The wind carries conversations about the scion to him; enemies must be careful of speaking his name. |
Enhanced Sense | Re | Minor: A scion of Reynir is attuned to the wilderness and possesses the ability to follow the trails of creatures and characters across most types of terrain. The scion gains the benefits of the Track feat in outdoor wilderness settings. The scion is considered to have the track feat for any prerequisites that require it. Scions that have the Track feat gain, instead, a +2 bonus to Survival or Search checks used while tracking in the wild. The scion also gains a +2 bonus to Spot checks in wilderness settings. |
Enhanced Sense | Vo | Minor: Can cast augury 1/week. Major: If walking into unknown danger, an automatic "spider sence" might trigger. |
Fear | Az | Major: Cause fear by touch 3/day.This ability also grants a scion a +2 bonus to his saving throws versus all types of fear that allow saves. |
Forest Walk | Re | Minor: No movement penalty in forests, pass
without trace in forests. Major: As Minor, also Magical tracking resistance: The scion has resistance to magical forms of tracking. The scion gains a +6 bonus to the DC to evade the detection whenever he is in forest terrain. This resistance applies equally to both spells and magic items (such as a crystal ball) that could be used to locate or track the scion. Great: As Minor and Major, also the scion gains the following: Forest Travel: The scion may enter the edge of any forest and travel through the forest at the rate of approximately one province per hour. During this walk the scion seems to be moving at a normal rate of speed, but subtly manipulated the passage of time and distance inside the forest. |
Healing | An, Ba, Re | Minor: Can cure light wounds 1/day. Major: Can cure moderate wounds 1/day, remove blindness/deafness or remove disease or remove paralysis 1/day. Great: Can cure critical wounds 1/day, neutralize poison or remove blindness/deafness or remove disease or remove paralysis 1/day. |
Heightened Ability | All except Ma |
The old powers each cherished different traits in their
followers and embodied these characteristics. The resulting bloodlines
often show near-divine examples of strength, intelligence, or beauty. Anduiras - Charisma or Strength; Basaïa - Intelligence; Brenna - Dexterity; Reynir - Constitution; Vorynn - Wisdom; Azrai - Charisma or Intelligence. If two attributes are listed, the player can choose the one to be increased. Heightened ability is not a spell like ability it is an increased ability like that gained from wishes or blessings. |
Home Hearkening | Br |
A regent with this blood ability has an even stronger connection to the land and holdings he rules than other regents. Major: Sense discomfort if domain is threatened or challenged. Great: As Major, also can respond to threats regardless of location by projecting this feeling and wish for action to a family member or a Lieutenant. |
Invulnerability | Az, Ba, Vo |
This ability grants the scion a limited form of immortality. He is not immortal in the true sense of the word, but he cannot be killed except under very specific circumstances. *Only characters with the Bloodform ability, the Bloodtrait ability, or a Great bloodline may have this ability. Great: Can only be permanently killed under a specific set of circumstances. The scion cannot be slain by poison, nor can any effect reduce their ability scores below 1 |
Iron Will | An, Re, Az |
The scion is tougher than ordinary characters. The mystic energy of their divine heritage allows them to persevere when lesser mortals tire or perish. Minor: Bonus hit points: The scion gains the feat Toughness for free. He counts as having the feat for any prerequisites that require it. Heightened Saving Throws: The scion gains a +1 bonus to Will and Fortitude saving throws. |
Light of Reason | Ba |
Scions with this ability can use the power of the former sun goddess to light their surroundings. A scion who calls upon this ability actually radiates light as described below. Minor: The scion generates a light (as per the Light spell) with the scion as its center. Scions may call on this ability 3/day.. Major: In addition to the Minor effects the scion gains the following: Once per day the scion can generate a brilliant instantaneous flash of light. Anyone within a 30-foot radius must succeed at a Reflex saving throw or suffer blindness for a number of rounds equal to half the scion’s level (rounded down). Scions with this blood ability (Minor, Major, or Great) are immune to the effects of this flash even if generated by another scion. Other characters that anticipate the flash (such as fellow adventurers who have been warned) can get a large bonus to their save, or avoid the effect entirely by averting their eyes. Great: As Minor and Major, but light radiated by the scion is considered to be actual sunlight with appropriate effects. |
Long Life | All |
With this ability, a scion enjoys a greatly increased life span, as the aging process is vastly slowed down. This does not protect a scion from normal damage from combat or poisons, but simply postpones the ravages of age. Minor: Upon reaching adulthood, ages one year for every five. Major: Upon reaching adulthood, ages one year for every twenty-five. Great: Upon reaching adulthood, ages one year for every hundred, immune to magical aging. |
Major Regeneration | Az, Re |
A scion with this ability can regenerate severed limbs, damaged organs and senses, and heal damage much faster than normal or blooded beings. If limbs, organs, or senses are lost, they are restored in weeks (30 days, reduced by one day per Constitution point). *This ability is available only to those blooded scions that already possess natural regeneration (usually through the Regeneration blood ability).Great: The scion heals at twice the rate of a scion with the Regeneration blood ability, i.e., 2 points of damage per level for each hour that passes. This regeneration replaces any normal healing for rest or long-term care. Subdual damage heals at ten times normal rate (10 points per level each hour). Additionally, the scion regenerates one ability score point (lost to temporary damage) per hour. Major regeneration does not affect damage from attacks that don’t deal hit point or ability score damage (for example, disintegration). Major Regeneration also does not restore hit points or ability points lost due to starvation, thirst, or suffocation. This ability enables the scion to recover from otherwise permanent damage including deep wounds, burns, scars, blindness, lameness, etc. (but he cannot regenerate severed body parts or reverse magical conditions such as blindness or paralysis). In such cases, the scion recovers 1% of any lost ability per day. If the scion is blinded by physical injury, for example, he’ll completely regain his eyesight in 100 days. A badly broken leg or severe internal injury might leave a normal man crippled for life but the scion can recover from any injury given sufficient time. |
Major Resistance (Charm) |
Az, Br, Re | Minor: The scion gains
a +4 bonus to saving throws against enchantment spells and spell-like
effects. This further conveys a +4 bonus to saving throws made against
the Fear
blood ability. Major: Same as the Minor ability but the saving throw bonus is increased to +6. Great: Same as the Minor ability but the saving throw bonus is increased to +8. |
Major Resistance (Magic) |
An, Az, Re, Vo | Major: 25% resistance to magic and magical effects (not blood abilities). This is only available to scions with Great bloodline strength. |
Major Resistance (Non-Magic Attacks) |
Az, Br, Ma | Minor: Damage reduction by 25%. Major: Damage reduction by 50%. Great: Damage reduction by 75 %. |
Major Resistance/Poison | Az, Ba, Br, Ma, Re | Minor: If a scion with
this ability is exposed to any type of poison (by gas, venom, poisoned
weapon, potion, etc.), he gains a +4 bonus to his saving throw.
Major: Same as the Minor ability but the saving throw bonus is increased to +6. Great: Same as the Major ability but the saving throw bonus is increased to +8. |
Persuasion | Az, Br |
Scions with this ability can create arguments of extreme
clarity and logic, thereby influencing other creatures to do their
bidding. |
Poison Sense | Az, Re |
The scion has an innate ability to sense the presence of poison nearby. Thus he could sense poison in his food, drink, or even a phial of poison in the pocket of his supposedly loyal advisor. Minor: Can detect poison at will. |
Protection from Evil | All except Az | The scion is defended against
the minions of evil. Major: A scion with this power is warded by a continuous Protection from Evil spell. Great: The scion’s protection expands to include others in his presence. He is considered to be under the effects of a continuous Magic Circle against Evil spell. |
Regeneration | An, Az, Re |
The scion has a natural ability to regenerate hit points and resist damage. *Only characters with the Bloodform ability, the Bloodtrait ability, or a Great bloodline have this ability. Great: The scion heals 1 point of damage per level every hour (normally characters heal 1 point of damage per level every day). This ability cannot be increased through rest or long-term care. Subdual damage heals at five times the normal rate (5 points per level each hour). Regeneration does not aid the scion against attack forms that don’t deal hit point damage (for example, ability drain or disintegration). This ability enables the scion to recover from otherwise permanent damage including deep wounds, burns, and scars but does not restore hits points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation. This power, when used by a scion of Azrai, dramatically increases the speed of the transformation to awnshegh status, as restored limbs and senses are often transformed. |
Resistance | An | Minor: The scion gains
a +4 bonus to saving throws versus enchantment spells and similar
spell-like powers. As the god of nobility and rulership, Anduiras
himself could not be swayed or confused by such influences. Major: Same as the Minor ability, but the saving throw bonus is increased to a +6. Great: Same as the Major ability, but the saving throw bonus is increased to a +8. |
Resistance | Az | Minor: The scion gains
a +4 bonus to saving throws versus necromancy spells and a +4 bonus to
saving throws made to recover lost levels as a result of level-draining
attacks. Azrai’s dark history makes scions of his blood less susceptible
to spells and effects that depend on the powers of darkness. Major: Same as the Minor ability, but the saving throw bonus is increased to a +6. Great: Same as the Major ability, but the saving throw bonus is increased to a +8. |
Resistance | Ba | Minor: The scion gains
a +4 bonus to saving throws versus light and fire-based attacks or
effects. Major: In addition to the Minor effects if a scion with this ability succeeds with a saving throw against a spell or effect and as a result suffers only half damage from such an effect, this damage is again reduced by one-half to a net result of one quarter of the total damage. Great: Same as the Major ability except that if the scion succeeds a saving throw to suffer only half damage from such an effect, he suffers no damage. |
Resistance | Br | Minor: The scion gains
a +4 bonus to saving throws made against spells that magically restrain.
In the old legends, no god or mortal could lay a hand on Brenna unless
she allowed it. Major: Same as the Minor ability, but the saving throw bonus is increased to a +6. Great: Same as the Major ability, but the saving throw bonus is increased to a +8. |
Resistance | Ma | Minor: The scion gains
a +4 bonus to saving throws against water-based attacks and a +4 bonus
to checks against drowning. Major: Same as the Minor ability, but the saving throw bonus is increased to a +6 and the scion now only suffers half the normal penalties for movement and attacking while in the water.. Great: The scion has the benefits of the spell Freedom of Movement while in the water. The scion gains a permanent water breathing ability. |
Resistance | Re | Minor: The scion gains
a +4 bonus to saving throws versus the effects of magical and mundane
cold and hunger, and normal exposure and weather. Major: In addition to the Minor effects if a scion with this ability succeeds with a saving throw against a spell or effect and as a result suffers only half damage from such an effect, this damage is again reduced by one-half to a net result of one quarter of the total damage. Great: Same as the Major ability except that if the scion succeeds a saving throw to suffer only half damage from such an effect, he suffers no damage. |
Resistance | Vo | Minor: The scion gains
a +4 bonus to saving throws versus magical attacks with the evocation
type. Major: In addition to the Minor effects if a scion with this ability succeeds with a saving throw against a spell or effect and as a result suffers only half damage from such an effect, this damage is again reduced by one-half to a net result of one quarter of the total damage. Great: Same as the Major ability except that if the scion succeeds a saving throw to suffer only half damage from such an effect, he suffers no damage. |
Sea Song | Ma |
Scions with this ability have a particular affinity for the water and the sea. Major: Can commune with a specific body of water 1/day. |
Shadow Form | Az, Br | A scion is able to transform
into living shadow. Great: Can take the form of living shadow 1/day, for 1 min/level. The scion can move at his normal speed, but can move on any surface, including walls and ceilings, as well as across the surface of liquids – even up the face of a waterfall. Undead ignore the scion, assuming him to be one of their own. While in Shadow form the scion cannot physically harm anyone, or manipulate any objects he might encounter, such as door knobs or weapons. |
Touch of Decay | Az |
A scion with this ability can destroy inanimate objects with a mere touch. Great: Metal rusts, stone crumbles to sand, and wood rots away to pulp. The scion can use this power once per day and can affect up to 10 cubic feet of material plus 1 cubic foot per level. The effect is nearly instantaneous, and any item touched is instantly rusted, pitted, rotted, or turned to sand and effectively destroyed. The effects are the same as the spell Rusting Grasp, except that it affects the materials listed above (i.e., metal, stone and wood). This ability has the disturbing tendency to manifest accidentally about once per month, possibly destroying items the scion does not wish to ruin.. |
Travel | Az, Ba, Br, Ma, Vo |
This potent ability allows a scion to use a limited form of teleportation based on his derivation. Anything the scion wears or carries is teleported with him, and the scion may take one companion with him per level. Great: A scion may use this power once a week per five levels; thus, scions of levels 1-5 may teleport once per week, scions of levels 6-10 may teleport twice per week, etc. The scion must know his destination through a prior visit or by using some form of magical viewing or scrying to study the area before invoking this power. Azrai: Azrai’s scions can enter the Shadow World between sunset and sunrise, gaining the ability to dimension door in the same manner as a Halfling with the Shadow Walker feat. Basaïa: Basaïa’s descendants travel by stepping from flame to flame. A scion must enter a fire large enough to immerse his entire body, and must emerge from a fire of similar size. The scion isn’t harmed by the transition, but others following him must protect themselves. Brenna: A scion of Brenna who stands on any road, path, or trail can travel to any point on that same road or any road that splits from it. Generally, this allows travel from any part of Cerilia to almost any destination on the continent. Masela: Masela’s children can travel across bodies of water. By standing in the shallows of a river, lake, or sea, the scion can move to any point on its shore. Vorynn: A scion of Vorynn’s bloodline can travel at moonrise or moonset to any destination. The timing is crucial – the scion has only about ten minutes per day in which this ability will function. |
Unreadable Thoughts | All |
A scion with this ability is protected from spells and effects that permit someone else to determine what he is thinking, feeling, or planning. Minor: Resist mind reading: The scion is immune to any ability or spell used to read his mind. |
Wither Touch | Az | The scion has the ability to
cause living tissue to wilt away. Major: Once a week the scion may use this ability to desiccate and wither living tissue on contact. The scion must make a successful touch attack, and the victim must make a Fortitude save. If the save is unsuccessful the victim suffers 1d8 points of damage; the affected limb is emaciated, and full use of it is impossible for 1d6 days. The target’s Strength is also reduced by an amount equal to half of this damage (rounded down). This is considered a temporary ability loss (per the Dungeon Master’s Guide) and the ability returns at a rate of one per day following the amp utation of the limb or curing of the blight. If the blighted limb is not removed or the victim is not healed by the use of a spell or ability that restores limbs (e.g., regenerate), removes conditions (e.g., heal) or cures up to 25 hit points of damage within 2d4 days, the victim permanently loses the ability to fully use the limb, and his Strength remains permanently reduced. Great: Same as the Major ability but the damage is increased to 1d12 hit points. It also forces victims to make Fortitude saves once each day in order to avoid an additional 1d4 hit point loss, and half this damage (rounded down) in additional Strength loss. |
On some vary rare occations, some might end up having unique powers that normally don't manifest. Major versions of Minor abilities etc.