Priest's Realmspell used in Dawn

Priest's Battle Spells used in Dawn

Bless Army

Spheres: War, Combat 1st-level caster Regency: 1/unit Gold: 1GB Required Holding: 3 Duration: 2 War Moves +1 War Move/level This spell allows a priest to increase the effectiveness of a unit, increasing all of its offensive scores by 1 for the duration of the spell. He can affect a maximum of one unit per level, and all target units must be in the same province.

Bless Land

Sphere: All
1st-level caster
Regency: Special
Gold: 1GB
Required Holding: 3
Duration: 1 Domain turn
By performing a special ceremony, the priest invokes his deity's blessing for a province. The affected province and any holdings owned by the priest in the province are treated as if they were one level higher for all purposes. This means that affected regents taxation and collection for the next domain turn (which is based on this domain turns happenings) and may increase their regency accordingly. Bless land can affect two provinces at 3rd level, three at 5th, and so on. The regency cost is equal to the difference between each target province level and the priest's temple holdings in the target provinces; a priest who control's a temple (3) in a province (5) and a temple (3) in a province (4) must spend 3RP to bless both provinces. This spell always costs a minimum of 1RP per province.

Dispel Realm Magic

Sphere: Protection 1st-level caster Regency: Special Gold: 1GB Required Holding: 1 Duration: Instantaneous This resembles the wizard realm spell dispel realm magic in all respects, except that only the first use of the spell is allowed. A priest may not use dispel realm magic to create a protective warding.


Sphere: Any 1st-level caster Regency: Special Gold: 1GB Required Holding: 1 Duration: Permanent Any priest regent can perform a ceremony of investiture to arrange the transfer of regency between two characters. This severs a regent's link with specified lands and creates a new link to another regent. (Investiture is described in greater detail under domain actions). The donor and recipient must expand a domain action. The priest is free to seek any compensation he wishes for performing the ceremony.

Protection From Realm Magic

Sphere: Protection 1st-level caster Regency: 1RP/province Gold: 1GB/province Required Holding: 3 Duration: 3 action rounds This spell allows a priest to protect provinces under his influence from the effects of an opponent's realm magic. The priest must cast protection from realm magic from a province in which he has a temple (3), but he may cast it into any other provinces where he has at least a temple (1) holding. The cost per province is 1RP and 1GB, and the priest may affect as many provinces as he can afford. This spell gives the priest a chance to counteract any realm spell (both priest and wizard magic) cast within or into his provinces. It has no effect on existing magic; it affects only those spells cast after the protection from realm magic is in place. The spell's success against external magic is determined by rolling versus the priest's character level and holding level. The two numbers are added together, and a 5% chance is allowed for each point of the result. Thus, protection from realm magic cast by an 8th-level priest using a level 4 temple would have a 60% chance of repelling enemy magic. If a friendly caster wishes to use realm magic in the caster's provinces, the casting priest may temporarily suspend the effects of his protection spell. He need only concentrate on his spell as the friendly wizard performs his incantation (usually, a matter of a few hours or less). There is always a 10% chance that the protection will cancel the friendly magic regardless. The priest may cast his own realm spells in his provinces without interference from the protection spell. The priest may spend RP to increase the chance of his protection repelling enemy magic. When the priest casts the spell, he may spend as many RP as he wishes to increase his success at a rate of 5% per RP spent, to a maximum of 95%. This "insurance" lasts for the duration of the spell. When an opposing spellcaster attempts a spell in a protected province, he may spend RP at the time of his attempt to weaken the spell's protection for that attempt only. He lowers the spell's protection at a rate of 5% per RP spent. If he tries to cast a spell later, while protection from realm magic is still in effect, he must spend RP again (if he wishes) to weaken the protection. This spell affects only realm spells cast into or within the affected province(s). If someone casts legion of dead and sends the animated army into a protected province, the spell has no effect, the army was created outside the spell's influence. However, a spell such as death plague would be subject to the protection. This realm spell has no effect on conventional (non-realm) spells.

True Believer

Sphere: All 1st-level caster Regency: 2RP Gold: 1GB Required Holding: 2 Duration: 3 action rounds Priests may use this realm spell to identify "true believers" within a single province in which they have a temple (2) or better. The spell causes a magical "mark" to appear on all humans, demi-humans, and humanoids meeting a particular criterium in the affected province. The mark is designed by the casting priest, and may be used to identify "true believers" of his faith, or may indicate that the bearer is a non-worshipper of his faith, a non-believer, or worshipper of another deity. Only priests and paladins dedicated to the same religion as the casting priest are able to see these magical marks. True seeing reveals the mark, and certain divination spells may do the same. The magic of this spell is so potent that it affects individuals entering the province throughout the duration. The mark instantly disappears from persons who leave the province, but reappears if they return.

Holy War

Sphere: War 2nd-level caster Regency: 1 RP/province Gold: 1 GB/province Required Holding: 3 Duration: 1 domain turn The realm spell holy war allows a priest to muster troops without the permission of the local ruler. The casting priest may recruit troops in the affected province(s), paying 1 RP and 1 GB per province plus the muster costs for the units. Example: The High Priest Thaddius has a temple (4) in a province ruled by King Mattias. King Mattius refuses to allow the high priest access to any troops. When Thaddius spends 1 RP and 1 GB to cast holy war in the province, he no longer needs his king's permission to recruit troops in that province. When the duration of the holy war spell elapses, the priest may no longer recruit troops without the local ruler's permission. He may keep existing units as long as he pays maintenance costs (and they are not destroyed). Note: Holy war cannot be cast in secret (to avoid the ire of the local ruler) since it involves the priests' followers stirring up militant fever among the people of the provinces. A priest who casts this spell against his province ruler may end up fighting on the home front as well as afield.

Magical Tithe

Sphere: Charm 2nd-level caster Regency: 3 RP/province Gold: 1 GB Required Holding: 4 Duration: Instantaneous Only priests of Sera and Eloele have access to this realm spell. Magical tithe allows priests of these goddesses to increase the gold in their confers. The spell must be cast from a temple (4), but the priest may extend the effects to include any provinces in which he has at least a temple (0), at a cost of 3 RP/province. Magical tithe does not affect the priest's own holdings. It affects all other law, guild, and temple holdings in the affected province(s). Each affected regent (even law regents) refers to Table 18: Guild and Temple Collection in the Birthright Rulebook and rolls to see how many GB he must immediately transfer from his treasury to the casting priest. If a regent controls more than one holding in the affected province(s), he rolls for each holding and pays the magical tithe, each time. This spell may decimate opponents' treasuries while causing Sera's or Eloele's coffers to overflow. At worst, the spell can reduce a treasury to 0 (it cannot reduce a treasury to negative numbers, in effect collecting from the next domain turn's income). This spell has a major drawback. On the domain action after magical tithe has been cast, every regent affected by the spell knows what happened to his Gold Bars. An investigation into the missing funds turns up clues that point to larceny magic used by Sera's and Eloele's temples. Repercussions are the decision of the victims of the crime.


Sphere: Plant 3rd-level caster Regency: Special Gold: 2 GB Required Holding: 3 Duration: 1 domain turn This is the reverse of bless land. Blight depresses an affected province and all holdings within it by one level. Holdings belonging to the casting priest are unaffected. Blight affects two provinces at 3rd level, three at 5th, and so on. The regency cost is equal to the difference between each target province level and the priest's temple holdings in the target provinces; a priest who controls a temple (3) in a province (5) and a temple (3) in a province (4) must spend 3 RP to blight those two provinces. The spell costs a minimum of 1 RP per province. If the priest is the ruler of the target province, he automatically loses one loyalty grade there.

Ward Realm

Sphere: Protection 3rd-level caster Regency: 5 RP/province Gold: 2GB/province Required Holding: 2 Duration: 3 Action rounds When this spell is cast, it creates a protective aura around everything in the target province(s). The priest must cast it from a temple (2), but the spell may affect any provinces in which he has temple (0) or better holdings. Only one ward realm spell may be cast on a province at one time. Depending on the priest's deity, the spell has slightly different effects. Ward realm may target evil, neutrality, or good. The targeted alignment of ward realm must be an alignment not favored by the deity. Cerilian deities require their priests to conform to certain alignments; these alignments may not be warded. The chart that follows shows which alignments may be targeted. Those deities whose priests do not have access to the sphere of protection do not appear. Deity Targetable Alignment Haelyn Neutral, Evil Erik Evil Cuiraecen Evil Nesirie Evil Ruornil Good, Evil Sera Good, Evil Avani Good, Evil Laerme Neutral, Evil Kriesha Good, Neutral Belinik Good, Neutral Moradin Neutral, Evil Kartathok Good, Neutral Powers of Darkness Good, Neutral The single alignment chosen by the casting priest is affected in the following ways: · All attacks made by creatures of the target alignment within the affected provinces suffer a -2 penalty to the attack roll. Saving throws allowed to their victims as a result of such attacks are made at a -2 bonus. · Summoned or extraplanar creatures of the target alignment must make a saving throw versus spell with a +4 penaty. Failure forces them to depart the province immediately. Extraplanar creatures might be forced to use their powers (if they are able) to return to their place of origin. If these creatures succeed their saving throws, they may remain in the province, but suffer all effects of the ward. · A spellcaster attempting to summon a creature of the target alignment must make a saving throw at a +4 penalty to the die roll when he casts the spell. If he fails, the spell fails automatically. If he succeeds, the spell works, but the summoned creature is affected by the ward realm spell.

Bless Holding

Sphere: Protection 4th-level caster Regency: 3/holding level Gold: 5 GB Required Holding: 2 Duration: 3 action rounds A priest using bless holding can protect any holding he controls (or those of an ally) from certain negative effects. Bless holding fortifies the target holding for the duration of the spell (as per the rules for the domain action fortify holding). The priest must pay 3 RP per level of the blessed holding (holdings of level 0 may not be fortified using this spell). This spell also makes the target holding immune to the contest action.


Sphere: All 4th-level caster Regency: 3 RP Gold: 5 GB Required Holding: 3 Duration: 1 action round A priest may use this realm spell to affect one temple of level (3) or better. Conversion creates a series of spectacular miracles used to impress the populace of the province and win them over to the casting priest's deity, at the expense of competing faiths. While the conversion spell lasts, the casting priest may attempt to contest another temple holding in the same province. If he succeeds, his opponent automatically loses one holding level and the casting priest gains that level. This spell is particularly important in a province in which all available holding slots are filled.


Sphere: All 5th-level caster Regency: 10 RP Gold: 15 GB Required Holding: 5 Duration: Permanent Excommunicate is one of the few realm spells that targets an individual. It is an extremely potent attack intended to be cast against characters who were once allies of the casting priest, but have done something to make themselves "enemies of the faith." However, it may be cast against anyone, with varying effects. When cast against a regent, excommunicate proclaims the regent and his holdings to be "enemies of the faith." Until this is somehow rectified, the spell works its devastating effects on the regent and his holdings. First, every holding ruled by the target character in the same province as a holding owned by the casting priest becomes contested. Every action round after the spell is cast, the casting priest may roll (using the rules for the contest action) to see if he can successfully contest the holdings again, possibly destroying them. Because of the spell's power, these contest actions are free actions for the priest, though he must still pay 1 RP per holding involved. First, every holding ruled by the target character in the same province as a holding owned by the casting priest becomes contested. Every action round after the spell is cast, the casting priest may roll (using the rules for the contest action) to see if he can successfully contest the holdings again, possibly destroying them. Because of the spell's power, these contest actions are free actions for the priest, though he must still pay 1 RP per holding involved. Second, if the casting priest decides to agitate against the target regent (or any of his known allies of vassals) he can double the value of his holdings in the agitation attempt. Third, the regent who suffers the effect of the spell is penalized in collecting taxes or tithes in provinces where the casting priest has temple holdings. The priest must subtract the caster's temple holding level from his own holding and province levels before rolling for collection. This represents the number of people in the province who believe in the excommunication and refuse to pay the regent's taxes. When excommunication is cast on an individual who is not a regent, the effect is much less widespread, but it can be just as debilitating to the character. As an enemy of the faith, whenever the victim priest encounters a follower of his faith, he will be treated as an enemy-possibly a mortal enemy, depending on the militance of the priest's doctrine. In addition, nonbelievers who live in provinces where the casting priest has temple holdings may choose to treat the excommunicated character as an enemy, out of fear of censure or excommunication themselves. The base chance of this is equal to the percentage of control the casting priest has over the province. If the caster has a temple (3) in a province (6), roughly half the people are members of the caster's temples. When the victim priest encounters anyone new of the same faith and the DM makes a check on Table 59: Encounter Reactions, the result is worsened by two grades. When the priest encounters someone not of his own faith, the result is worsened by one grade. The spell does not mark the character in any way. Rather, it affects the perceptions and attitudes of people within the provinces where the casting priest has power. The effects of excommunication can be negated by casting dispel realm magic on the province where excommunication was originally cast. Or, the casting priest can be convinced to dispel it himself (he can do so automatically). If the casting priest is destroyed, the spell ends. This spell is not automatically successful. It may be cast only on a victim who shares the same faith of the casting priest, and the deity has the final word in whether the spell functions (in other words, the DM may prevent the spell from taking effect).

Honest Dealings

Sphere: Charm, Law 5th-level caster Regency: 3/province Gold: 2 GB Required Holding: 3 Duration: 1 Domain turn +1 round/level This ceremony creates a widespread charm effect that magically guides a province's citizens toward honest and upright practices. In a province affected by this spell, agitate and espionage actions cannot succeed, diplomacy actions suffer a -4 penalty, and guild holdings are reduced two levels for collection purposes. An individual who attempts to commit a crime or tell a lie while in the province must succeed a saving throw versus spell to do so. The priest may affect one province at 5th level, two at 7th, and so on.

Legion of Dead

Sphere: Necromantic 5th-level caster Regency: 4/company Gold: 1 GB/company Required Holding: 3 Duration: 1 month +1 week/level This spell is similar to the wizard realm spell of the same name. When an evil priest casts this spell (anyone other than an evil priest using it will be subjected to an alignment judgment), he summons units of zombies and skeletons to his banner of war. These creatures, powered by the evil energies of the caster's faith, will perform military actions at the priest's orders for the duration of the spell or until they are destroyed by normal means. The priest may summon one undead unit (at a cost of 4 RP and 1 GB) at 5th level, and one for every level thereafter (an 8th-level priest may call forth four undead units at a total cost of 16 RP and 4 GB). Unlike the wizard spell, the priest need not remain with is undead units to prevent their dissolution. He may jive simple standing orders, such as "Attack that province until all resistance is dead," or "Occupy this province and kill anyone who resists." He can also appoint a leader for the undead ("Follow this man's orders.") Extremely powerful priests often summon or create alliances with powerful undead and place them at the head of their armies. For War Card battles, use the Undead Legion War Card. In standard game terms, each company is composed of about 200 zombies, monster zombies, skeletons, and giant skeletons. These armies are immune to all spells that are normally nonfunctional on undead. They cannot benefit from any spells that offer healing powers. If the priest maintains these armies beyond the end of a domain turn, he need not pay maintenance costs, since undead to not eat and attack using any weapons at their disposal.

Erik's Mighty Forests

Sphere: Plant 6th-level caster Regency: 4 RP/unit Gold: 1 GB/unit Required Holding: 2 Duration: 1 domain turn Only druids of Erik may cast this spell, and it is useful only in forested areas. By calling upon Erik, the druids call forth the powers of the trees. These trees become army units, ready to fight and die for the good of the land. This spell animates trees, creating defensive armies under the priest's control. Each unit costs 4 RP and 1 GB. The tree units uproot themselves and follow the caster's orders for the duration of the spell, but they never leave their home province. When the spell expires, the trees take root where they are (or within a short distance), dying if they cannot do so. A heavily forested province can "muster" a maximum of 20 units. Lighter forests (those less dense, or covering about half a province), may produce a maximum of 10 units. This limit is important, because if units are lost or destroyed, the resulting deforestation strips the province of likely armies (and resources) for many years to come. A unit of animated trees includes approximately 50 members. As long as the spell lasts, each individual tree has the statistics of a 7-HD treant (see the Mounstrous Manual tome) and can obey complex instructions given by the casting priest. Most often, druids of Erik cast this spell to protect their most sacred provinces from invasion. Out siders quickly believe that all the trees in certain groves have the power to move and defend themselves, making these provinces almost immune to attack or invasion.

One True Faith

Sphere: Guardian 12th-level caster Regency: 5 RP/province Gold: 3 GB/province Required Holding: 4 Duration: 3 action rounds This spell enables the caster to prevent priests of a stated religion from receiving spells from their god. The spell must be cast from a temple (4), but the priest may affect any provinces in which he has at least a temple (1). Each province affected costs 5 RP and 3 GB. The magic affects all characters who attempt to renew their spells while within the affected provinces. When any caster of priest spells of the stated power prays to his deity in the hope of receiving spells, he must make a saving throw vs. spell or fail to receive any spells until he leaves the affected provinces. The saving throw suffers a +1 penalty for every level of temple held by the casting priest within the same province as the affected character. Any spells granted to the priest before the magic takes effect are still available to him. If the "blocked" priest leaves the affected provinces, he may pray for spells, gain them per the normal rules, and return to the province to cast them. Likewise, any priests entering the province while one true faith is in effect may use available spells, but receive none while they are in the province. This spell affects only single religion that is somehow in opposition to the caster's religion. The DM may rule which religions are in opposition in a given region. In almost all cases, good deities allow this spell to be used only to block deities with evil alignments, while priests of evil deities will probably allow any other powers to be blocked. Neutral powers tend to grant the ability to block nonneutral deities or any deity who may be growing too powerful or risking an upset of balance. Example: In Avanil, the Western Imperial Temple of Haelyn has a mighty influence under the leadership of Rhobher Nichaleir. Rhobher wishes to cast one true faith to protect some of his provinces from the influence of Eloele's priests. He controls a temple (4) in the province of Anuire and temples of at least (1) in all other provinces of Avanil (a total of nine). Rhobher decides to protect Anuire (required, since this is the province in which he casts the spell), plus Avarien and Bhrein. Rhobher pays 15 RP and 9 GB to cast the realm spell. Rhobher's choice proves wise. A group of thieves, backed by a priest of Eloele, tries to set up shop in the province of Avarien. The priest, a woman named Theira, casts several spells to make her thieves' attempts easier. The next day, she prays to Eloele to replenish her spells. At this point, Theira gets a nasty surprise. The DM tells her player she must make a saving throw versus spell. Theira suffers a +3 penalty to her saving throw, since Rhobher has a temple (3) in the province. If she fails, she gains no spells. While Theira remains within a province affected by one true faith, she may not renew her spells. She may still cast spells that were not used before the magic took effect, and may use her special abilities as a priest of Eloele.

Consecrate Relic

Sphere: All 16th-level caster
Regency: 10 + RP
Gold: 10 + GB
Required Holding: 5
Duration: Permanent
By casting this realm spell, a priest may attempt to consecrate a revered item of his faith, imbuing it with special powers. The item, which must be of great religious significance, gains powers defined by the priest and his deity. Attempting this action is considered spellcasting of the highest order, and is normally attempted only by those priests who are certain of their devotion to their god. The priest must first have access to a holy relic worthy of the spell's power. Such relics include items used, worn, or touched by deities before or during the Battle of Mount Deismaar. Since most things at the battle were destroyed, few relics survive or can be verified as authentic. Suitable items may have achieved notoriety at a later time. On occasions when the gods have sent avatars to Cerilia, the avatars may have used worldly goods for a short time-they may have drunk from a particular vessel, carried a weapon or item, or worn a piece of clothing. Such items would carry religious significance for followers of the avatar's deity. Likewise, if the god or avatar visited a mortal to deliver a message and touched a piece of clothing, that clothing might have the potential to become a relic. The lesser champions of the gods might also have possessed items of religious importance. Objects used by an individual declared a martyr of the faith might be considered holy and significant; the DM decides which items might be appropriate. Relics normally exist in one of three conditions. The first are those that are completely lost and unknown. The second are those that are recognized and housed in a great temple for all followers veneration. For a priest to use such an item for this spell would involve a long process of petitioning the church, proving one's devotion, and perhaps submitting to tests of faith and loyalty. The third category of relic includes those that are known to exist but are unproven as to origin, and those that would be immediately recognized but remain missing, with substantial clues to their whereabouts. Proving an item's origin or finding a lost object would be an appropriate quest for proving the priest's worth in the casting of this spell. Spells such as augury and commune can help, but the priest's deity may wish for the priest to perform tests on the item that could involve questing and time. Once an item is authenticated, the priest must announce to his followers that the item has come into the church's possession. This requires only a decree action, but will likely be accompanied by pomp and circumstance and a chance for followers to view the item. This step can be extremely dangerous. Rival churches of the priest's deity will almost certainly contest the priest's right to "possess" the item, and enemy faiths may try to steal or destroy the object. Once the declaration of the item has been accomplished, the priest may attempt the spell. He immediately pays 10 RP and 10 GB to prepare the item and his temple for the casting of the spell (this may include paying extra guards or installing other security measures). He also declares a purpose for the item-a statement that sums up the priest's view of the relic's significance to his faith. This purpose includes the powers (see below) that the priest hopes to imbue into the relic, and must correspond to the general character of the deity. The player then discusses with the DM what sort of power(s) he would like the item to gain. Most powers can be divided into the categories that follow.
· Lesser Powers: A 1st- through 3rd-level spell or a +1 weapon bonus. Cost: 1 RP and 1 GB per bonus or spell level. Available from all deities.
· Intermediate Power: A 4th-level spell or a +2 weapon bonus. Cost: 12 RP and 6 GB each. Available only from greater deities. No more that one greater power may be placed in any relic. · Special Purpose Powers: A power or ability available only in specific circumstances. The effect must be approved by the DM, but could be as powerful as a 6th- or 7th-level spell. Cost: 15 RP and 10 GB. Available from any deity, but the power must directly correspond with the deity's special interests. Example: Ruornil, god of magic, fights against the Shadow World, so a special purpose power for his relic might give the wielder immunity to spells cast by Shadow World creatures. A relic may have only one special purpose power.
· Bloodline Power: A power that mimics a blood ability. The bloodline derivation of the ability must correspond to the deity's connection to the old gods (Haelyn was the champion of Anduiras, for example, so a blood ability imbued into a relic of Haelyn would have to be available to descendants of Anduiras' bloodline). Cost: 4 RP and 4 GB per strength level (minor, 4 RP & 4 GB; major, 8 RP & 8 GB; great, 12 RP & 12 GB); available from any deity. Only one bloodline power may be imbued in any relic. When a relic is imbued with a power, the wielder may use the power once per day (with the exception of special purpose powers, which may be used only in circumstances defined by the DM). All powers function at the level of the priest who casts consecrate relic unless the DM deems otherwise. A relic may be imbued with a lesser or intermediate power in such a way as to allow the use of the same spell several times per day. The priest pays for each use of the same power. Instilling any weapon bonus allows unlimited use. A relic may not be imbued with two +1 bonuses to yield a +2 bonus. A relic may be imbued with as many powers as the player wishes, but each power makes the casting of consecrate relic more expensive and more difficult. After the caster has paid the total RP and GB costs to cast the realm spell (including all costs for the powers he wishes to imbue into the relic), he must make a success roll of 10 or greater. The roll is modified by the number and type of powers he attempts to place in the relic. Power Modifier to Success Roll Lesser +1/power Intermediate +2/power Greater +4 Special Purpose +6 Bloodline Minor +2 Major +3 Great +4 All modifiers to the success numbers are cumulative. The DM may wish to add other modifiers if he feels certain powers border on inappropriateness, based on the deity. Any powers completely inappropriate for the relic should be discarded automatically. The casting priest may spend RP or GB to modify his die roll (1 RP or GB gives a 1-point modifier). An unmodified 1 always fails. If the die roll succeeds and the DM approves of all the powers, the priest can proceed to the next step. If the die roll fails, the DM has two options. First, he may declare that the consecrate relic spell simply failed. The deity simply did not want a relic imbued with the powers chosen by the priest to be created at that time. The DM's second option is to eliminate powers chosen for the relic until the priest would have succeeded his die roll. The DM should always start with the most powerful abilities first when eliminating elements. If the DM chooses this option, he tells the player which spells were successfully imbued into the relic. At this point, the DM adds several characteristics to the relic to make it complete.
· Purpose: The priest made a statement of purpose for the item before the realm spell was cast, but the DM should now clarify or modify it, perhaps changing it to correspond more with the attitude of the deity and the powers imbued in the relic. The DM reminds the priest that the relic should be used only in fulfilling this purpose. Misusing the item could cause its destruction or loss.
· Special Purpose: If the priest imbued the item with a special purpose power, the item must have a special purpose-a stated goal that the granted power should assist in achieving. The DM clarifies this purpose; in effect, the deity "suggests" that the priest use the relic to fulfill this special purpose power be accessed; not fulfilling the relic's purpose could cause the related power to be lost or destroyed.
· Curse: The relic should have one or more curses associated with its use. The curses might take effect when the wielder uses a power, touches the item, or ignores the special purpose; when persons not of the deity's religion touch or attempt to use the item; or when a member of a named enemy group (e.g., priests of Belinik) touches the item. Curses should be the deity's way of steering the wielder toward (or away from) a particular set of actions and compensating for the power of the relic. Curses directed toward enemies are merely for the relic's safekeeping.) Curses should be directly proportional in strength to the powers associated with the relic, though more or fewer curses may exist than powers. The curses should be structured in such a way that careful, reverent use and care of the relic won't invoke them often. Evil deities tend to place harsher curses in relics because they often believe in winnowing the weak (or weak-minded) from among their followers. · Nonworshiper Curse: When a nonworshiper touches the relic or tries to wield it, a curse may activate. The nonworshiper curse should be tied to the temperament and abilities of the deity (a relic of Ruornil, for example, might cause nonworshipers to lose all wizard spellcasting ability while in the vicinity of the item). A nonworshiper curse is not required in a relic (but often is included, especially by more jealous or militant deities) and need not tie into the powers of the item. · Requirement: A relic may have a specific requirement that will stave off the effects of a curse, activate some or all of its abilities, or simply allow it to continue to exist. This requirement should be connected with the item's special purpose and abilities. The more powerful the relic, the more powerful the requirement might be (though not all items must have such requirements). Requirements could be easy to fulfill and direct (e.g., the relic cannot be used by anyone without a specific bloodline or it causes 2d8 points of damage when a power is used) or could be directed at role-playing (the relic will function reliably only if the item is kept on display in the deity's temple for a total of three months out of every six). A relic may have several requirements tied to different aspects of its abilities. Again, requirements should somehow reflect the nature of the relic's patron deity. As stated earlier, this realm spell contains incredible power. The DM should carefully control PC use of it, and should make certain that any relics created remain under his control. As a general rule, no deity will allow a priest to cast this spell more than once in his lifetime unless he has undergone the most incredible ordeals for the good of the faith.

Shadow Block

Clr [Ruornil] 4
1 province/3 levels
3 months (D)
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:
Special Requirements:
Temple [Ruornil] (4)

This spell strengthens the barrier between Cerilia and the Shadow World. All spells or effects that involve the Shadow World are blocked. This includes dimension door, summoning spells, shadow walk, and the halfling ability to enter or leave the Shadow World.

Regency Cost: 2 RP/province.
Material Components:
1 GB/province worth of expendable ritual components.

Battle Spells

Erik's Entanglement

(Entangle; Alteration)
Spell Level: 1
Sphere: Plant
Range: One battlefield square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: One War Card round/three caster levels
Casting Time: One attack phase
Area of Effect: One battlefield square
Saving Throw: Special This battle spell causes vegetation in the target square to grow, twist, and entwine around all ground-based (non-flying) units present. Each unit in the target square is entitled to a saving throw. The spell's effect is determined by the success or failure of the save and any terrain card used in that square. This spell cannot be used in squares containing the ice field, glacier, or frozen lake cards.
¨ Bog & Woods: Due to the dense flora in these terrains, units that fail their saves are trapped in the target square by the tangled vegetation for the duration of the spell. Units suffer a -1 penalty to Defense and Melee ratings since the quick movements and positioning necessary in combat are difficult to accomplish in such snarled growth. These penalties are cumulative with all penalties listed on the terrain card. Further, F or R results suffered by a trapped unit during the spell's duration are treated as D results, since troops cannot move out of harm's way due to the foliage. A unit that succeeds its save can freely leave the target square in its next Movement Phase (or if it suffers an F or R result in combat), but as long as the unit remains in the affected square (for the duration of the spell) it suffers the -1 penalty to its Defense and Melee ratings due to the difficulty of fighting in tangled undergrowth.
¨ Other terrains: In all terrains other than bog and woods (fortification, hill, cliff, river, tundra, armed camp, and squares without terrain cards), a unit that fails its saving throw is trapped as defined above, but only for the duration of the War Card round, (in this case, the round in which the spell is cast and takes effect). Following that War Card round, the unit's members have managed to extricate themselves from the tangle of plants, hacking or tugging their way to freedom. In addition, the Defense and Melee rating penalties listed above also apply for that War Card round. If a unit in these terrains succeeds a saving throw, the unit fight normally but suffers a -1 penalty to its Defense rating. It may move normally on its next movement phase. Units that enter an affected square must immediately roll a saving throw to determine any penalties. Regardless of terrain, no unit can charge into the target square for the duration of Erik's entanglement. This spell requires two assistants who must toss tufts of grass, strands of vine, and so on, into the air as the priest casts the spell.

Avani's Asylum

(Sanctuary: Abjuration)
Spell Level: 1
Sphere: Protection
Range: One battlefield square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: One War Card round/three caster levels
Casting Time: One attack phase
Area of Effect: One unit
Saving Throw: Neg. Created by a priestess of the Life and Protection of Avanalae in Coeranys, this battle magic has become common among the war-mongering Anuireans and has spread across Cerilia. Its value is in moving units to an enemy's flank or rear without suffering damage. A unit that attempts to directly attack (with an offensive spell, charge, missile, or melee) a unit under the influence of Avani's Asylum must make a saving throw. If successful, the attacker is unaffected and may act normally. If the attacking unit fails its save, it immediately suffers a confusion that prevents it from attacking the protected unit. The unit that failed its save totally ignores the protected unit until the spell's duration expires or the protected unit takes an offensive action. This spell remains intact only as long as the protected unit takes no offensive actions. The protected unit can move about the battlefield normally, but cannot charge, fire missiles, or enter melee without ending the spell. Individuals accompanying the unit, such as PCs, are also protected and must observe this prohibition. PCs under the effect of this spell can move with the protected unit, cast spells of a defensive nature, and use any defensive magical items, but a single magic missile or backstab ends the spell's protection for the entire unit. A unit that succeeds its save and attacks the protected unit in melee or a charge also ends the spell; the protected unit loses the effects of the spell in the act of defending itself. Missile attacks against the protected unit do not end the spell unless the protected unit responds to the attack with a counterattack. The material components are one set of horse blinders for every 12 members of the target unit, several buckets of sand, and a large number of lighted smoke bombs. Two acolytes are needed to assist with the components.

Oaken Strike

(Shillelagh; Alteration)
Spell Level: 1
Spheres: Combat, Plant
Range: One battlefield square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: One War card round/two caster levels
Casting Time: One attack phase
Area of Effect: One unit
Saving Throw: None
This spell grants the target unit a +1 bonus to its Melee or Charge rating for the duration of the spell. This bonus is the equivalent of giving the entire unit weapons of +1 enchantment; the weapons are considered magical for purposes of hitting creatures that are harmed only by enchanted weapons. Individually, the weapons have no enchantment; the spell functions only on the unit as a whole. The material components of the spell are full-sized or miniature unshod wooden weapons. These may be used for combat or simply carried to receive the spell effect. Clubs and staves are the most common weapons, but even spear hafts and axe handles (with their metal heads removed) may be used. These components are unharmed by the spell.

Turn Undead Unit

Spell Level: 1
Range: One battlefield square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: One attack phase
Area of Effect: One undead unit/three caster levels
Saving Throw: None
This battle spell is unusual in that it is not a conversion of a conventional priest spell. Instead, this spell was granted to a priest of Haelyn not long after Deismaar, when hordes of undead, infused with some minuscule amount of Azrai's diabolical essence, roved across Anuire causing much destruction and adding to their ranks with those innocents they'd slain. This spell is available to all priests with the ability to turn undead. Priests who cannot normally turn undead are unable to cast this spell. Turn undead unit enhances the priest's ability to turn undead, placing it on a scale useful in the War Card system in the Birthright rules. This spell does not increase the priest's level or grant any bonuses to his roll to turn undead. The effect of this spell is to allow the priest to turn or dispel units of undead (such as the Undead Legion War Card). When the priest casts this spell, the DM consults Table 61 in the PHB. The DM determines the predominant form of undead in the unit (zombies and skeletons are the most common; the Undead Legion card should most often be considered to be made up of zombies). The priest then rolls normally for turning. If the result is insufficient to turn the undead unit, the spell fails. When an attempt fails, the priest cannot attempt to turn the same unit again on a subsequent War Card round even if he has a turn undead unit spell available. Another character may attempt to turn the same unit, however. A Turn result (whether a die roll high enough to turn the form of undead or a "T" result) means the undead unit(s) immediately suffer an F result. If the undead unit cannot retreat, it is considered destroyed. A "D" result on Table 61 means the undead unit(s) are destroyed. Units destroyed in this manner cannot be animated, raised, or affected in any way. The material component is the caster's holy symbol. Four priest assistants (of the same faith as the caster) are also required to use their holy symbols in the casting of the spell.

Barkskinned Unit

(Barkskin; Alteration)
Spell Level: 2
Spheres: Protection, Plant
Range: One battlefield square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: One War Card round +1 War Card round/caster level
Casting Time: One attack phase
Area of Effect: One unit
Saving Throw: None
This spell provides a +1 bonus to a target unit's Defense rating, plus an additional +1 bonus for every four levels of the caster. The protection, however, is not guaranteed for the duration of the spell. The bonus(es) are lost each time the unit suffers an H or R result. Every time the unit suffers an H or R result, 1 point of the bonus is lost. Thus, a unit under the influence of barkskinned unit cast by a 5th level priest (a bonus of +2) would be reduced to a bonus of a +1 after suffering one H or R result. A second H or R result would eliminate the bonus and the spell would be considered to have ended. The unit never continues to lose points beyond the bonus it gained from the spell. Units that suffer an H or R result are subject to all effects of a Hit or Rout. The material component is 100 lbs. of tree bark, which is burned in a huge bonfire. The fire must be positioned so that the smoke blows across the unit to be protected (wind spells may be used to assist this effort). The smoke leaves a residue on the target individuals, forming a smoky, translucent bark-armor that moves easily, without hindering movement.

Charm Unit

(Charm Person or Mammal; Enchantment/Charm)
Spell Level: 2
Sphere: Animal
Range: One battlefield square
Cost: 1 GB
Components: V, S
Duration: One War Card round/three caster levels
Casting Time: One attack phase
Area of Effect: One unit
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell affects any unit composed primarily of humanoids or mammals normally affected by the 2nd-level spell charm person or mammal. ("Persons" are any bipedal human, demihuman, or humanoid of medium size or smaller, including but not limited to brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, goblins, half-elves, halflings, humans, kobolds, lizard men, nixies, orogs, pixies, sprites, and troglodytes.) In addtion to affecting humanoids, this spell also affects units of non-intelligent mammalian creatures, such as the Lions' Pride, War Birds, Vampire's Bat Swarm, and Sphinx's Cat Charge War Card units. The unit receives a saving throw to resist the effect. If the saving throw fails, then the individuals fall under the priest's control and must obey his commands for the duration of the spell. The caster must be in the same square or in a square adjacent to the affected unit in order to give commands. (If he gives a command and does not care to give further orders, he may leave the area without affecting the spell.) If the caster needs to maintain greater distance from the unit, he must determine another means of conveying his orders to the unit. A charmed unit will obey all orders that are not contradictory to its nature, it will not walk off a cliff, for example, nor will members of the unit attack each other. Orders of such a nature grant the unit a new saving throw with a +4 bonus. If this saving throw fails, the unit executes the order as commanded. Orders to retreat, move to an empty part of the field or the reserve, or hold a position away from enemies are usually safe commands. The unit will always defend itself if attacked. Note that the "nature" of a unit is dependant on the creatures in the unit. A unit of goblins might not think twice about attacking another unit of goblins, but Anuirean knights will never attack a friendly unit. Likewise, mercenary units, which fight for money and not out of loyalty, might find the idea of attacking friendly units less offensive than would a highly trained unit loyal to its realm.

Hammer Storm

(Spiritual Hammer; Invocation)
Spell Level: 2
Sphere: Combat
Range: One battlefield square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: One attack phase
Area of Effect: One battlefield square
Saving Throw: None
Developed by the high priests of Cuiračcen, hammer storm is among the most commonly used battle spells. When cast, this spell calls into existence hammer-shaped fields of force that hurtle into the sky at the caster's command, arc over the battlefield, and plummet toward the ground. The sound of rushing air that accompanies this strike is commonly described as "Cuiračcen's Thunder"; hence, the spell's common nickname. When the spell is cast, all units in the target square immediately make a morale check. Units that succeed the morale check suffer an H result; those that fail the check suffer an R result. If the caster himself is within the target square the priest can prevent friendly units in the same square from suffering and adverse affects. He is able to direct all ill effects solely at enemy units. The material components are 50-100 normal war hammers, which are consumed in the casting of this spell.

Animate Army

(Animate Dead; Necromancy)
Spell Level: 3
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: One battlefield square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Two attack phases
Area of Effect: One unit
Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the animate army battle spell found in the Book of Magecraft. With this spell, a priest may revive a destroyed unit and send it back into action under his control. To cast the spell, the priest must stand in the same square or a square adjacent to the one in which the unit was destroyed. Once the unit is revived, he need not remain near it. The revived unit arises with all weapons, armor, and equipment it had when the unit was destroyed (unless looting occurred in the meantime). The undead obey the caster without question, even if they were on the opposite side of the battle before their destruction. The unit has the same statistics as it had in life (the player uses the same War Card), with the following exceptions:
¨ The unit ignores all F and R results except those caused by magical attacks.
¨ The unit's defense rating gains a +1 bonus.
¨ The unit's charge rating is reduced by 2; if reduced to 0 or lower, the unit cannot charge.
¨ The unit is considered to have all three morale symbols (shield, pennant, and swords) as the Undead Legion War Card. At the end of battle, if the unit still survives, it immediately falls to the ground, its energy gone. The troops then decompose quickly, making it impossible to cast this spell on the same unit twice. If the unit is destroyed in battle, it cannot be raised again. This spell is almost always considered evil in nature; only under extreme circumstances should PCs even consider this magic. DMs who believe that PC priests are abusing the spell are free to enforce penalties from the PC's deity. Such penalties may start with the deity prohibiting high level spells or allowing beneficial spells to cause only minimal effect; if the PC persists in casting the spell, the penalties may increase to prohibit more spells or spells of specific categories. For more detail on matters of "divine favor and disfavor," see the Players Option" Spells & Magic tome. On occasion, use of this spell might be considered acceptable, such as raising elite troops to defend their homeland against an incursion from the Spiderfell or other terrible threat. The material components are bone chips and dried blood. The act of collecting these may even be considered an evil act for some characters.

Dispel Battle Magic

(Dispel Magic; Abjuration)
Spell Level: 3
Sphere: Protection
Range: One battlefield square
Components: V, S
Cost: 0,5 GB
Duration: Special
Casting Time: One attack phase
Area of Effect: One square
Saving Throw: Special
A priest casts this spell in an attempt to neutralize or negate other magic (either battle or conventional magic). Dispel battle magic has three possible uses: to cancel spells and spell-like effects (including those from abilities or magical items); to disrupt the casting of spells or use of abilities at the moment the dispel is cast; and to destroy magical potions (which are considered to be 12th level for the purposes of this spell). Each effect or potion is checked individually to determine whether dispel battle magic has any effect. (The caster can dispel his own magic automatically with this spell.) The chance of dispelling relies on the difference in levels between the caster of the dispel battle magic and the caster of the opposing effect. The base chance for success is 11 or higher on 1d20 (a roll of 20 always succeeds and a roll of 1 always fails). If the level of the dispelling caster is higher than the level of the caster whose effect is to be dispelled, the difference between the levels is subtracted from the base success of 11, making the roll easier. For example, a 7th-level priest casting dispel battle magic to negate the barkskinned unit enchantment cast by a 5th-level priest must roll 9 or better on 1d20 (11-[7-5]=9). If the dispelling caster is of a lower level than the caster of the effect to be dispelled, the difference in levels is added to the base chance of success, making the roll more difficult. If a 7th-level priest attempted to dispel the magic of a 9th-level priest, the die roll would need to be 13 or higher on 1d20 (11+[9-7]=13). Dispel battle magic can affect a specially enchanted magical item (such as a scroll, ring, wand, rod, staff, miscellaneous item, weapon, shield, or armor) only if it is cast directly on the item. If this succeeds, the item is rendered non-functional for 1d4 War Card rounds. An item possessed or carried by a creature gains the creature's saving throw against this effect; other items are automatically non-operational. A unit under a beneficial effect (such as barkskinned unit) is granted a saving throw to avoid the effect being dispelled. Artifacts and relics are not affected by dispel battle magic, but some of their spell-like effects may be, at the DM's discretion. Note that this spell can release charms and similar beguilements. Below is a summary of effects for this spell.
Summary of Dispel Effects Source Resist as Result Caster N/A
Dispel automatic Other caster/innate ability Level/HD Negated
Wand 6th level Negated
Staff 8th level Negated
Potion 12th level Destroyed
Other magical item 12th level
* Artifact DM discretion DM discretion
*Effect negated; if cast directly on item, item non-functional for 1d4 War Card rounds.

Haelyn's Holy Warding

(Glyph of Warding; Abjuration, Evocation)
Spell Level: 3
Sphere: Guardian
Range: Caster's square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: Until discharged
Casting Time: Two attack phases
Area of Effect: One square
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell prevents entrance into one side of a battlefield square by hostile or unauthorized creatures, as determined by the caster. It functions in a manner similar to the river of cliff terrain cards; the caster decides which edge he wishes to ward. Unlike the terrain features, however, units can cross the edge of the square. They are not aware of the glyph until it is triggered. A unit that enters the square from a safe side might even trigger the glyph as a result of a fall back or rout. The caster sets the conditions for the ward. In the conventional spell, priests commonly set the glyph so that an individual who violates the warded edge without speaking the name of glyph triggers the magic stored in the mystical sigils. On the battlefield, this is also possible, but priests more commonly set conditions for releasing the magic to depend on physical characteristics, such as race, size, weight, or type of uniform; alignment (law, chaos, good, or evil); or even religion. When casting this spell, the priest and his three assistants trace a pattern of faintly glowing lines along the boundary to be protected, using sticks of incense encrusted in diamond powder. When the spell is complete, the woven lines and sigils are invisible. If this woven boundary is broken by creatures named or described during the spell's casting, the damaging effect chosen by the caster is triggered. The form of magical energy (fire, lightning, ice, etc.) is determined by the caster; very often, the form is related to the caster's faith. For example, Haelyn's priesthood usually choose fire as their agent for punishing their enemies, as fire closely resembles the sunburst that is part of Haelyn's symbol. Cuiračcen's followers, on the other hand, prefer lightning, as a reminder of the stormlord's wrath. The DM is free to disallow any effects he deems inappropriate. Regardless of the form of magical energy, all units that meet the spell's conditions and cross the boundary must make a morale check. Units that succeed the check suffer an H result; units that fail the check suffer an R result. Haelyn's holy warding is not affected or triggered by physical or magical probes (such as missile weapons or spells cast across the boundary), but it can be dispelled using the dispel battle magic spell. The ward may be detected by the find traps spell or by thieves using their find and remove traps skills.

Cure Unit

(Cure Serious Wounds; Necromancy)
Spell Level: 4
Sphere: Healing
Range: One battlefield square
Components: V, S
Cost: 0 GB
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: One attack phase
Area of Effect: One unit
Saving Throw: None
This spell heals the injuries that a unit suffers in combat. Broken limbs are mended, lacerations and cuts are knitted, and most other wounds that are not immediately fatal are healed by the power of the deity and the faith of his or her priests. Simply put, this spell cures a unit of one previous Hit result. The target unit rotates its War Card to reflect one less hit; thus, a unit that has suffered two hits may turn its card so that it reflects only one hit. A unit that has suffered an R result may eliminate one hit, but the spell has no effect on the rout. This spell requires two assistants who aid in the casting, chanting, and prayer for the members of the unit to be healed.

Ruornil's Silver Robes

(Cloak of Bravery; Conjuration/Summoning)
Reversible Spell Level: 4
Sphere: Charm
Range: One battlefield square
Components: V, S, M
Cost: 1 GB
Duration: Special
Casting Time: One attack phase
Area of Effect: One unit/three caster levels
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell magically blankest the target unit in the shimmering, moonlit robes of the Moon God and Silver Prince, Ruornil, protecting the unit from all magical forms of fear. This spell, when cast on a willing unit, grants a +4 bonus to the unit's saving throw vs. any type of magical fear, such as a battle spell version of the 1st-level spell cause fear (the reverse of remove fear) or the reversed form of this spell. This protection remains in effect until the battle ends. The spell also allows the unit a saving throw versus an R result (although with no bonus to the save). If the save is successful, the unit stands its ground and does not rout. It still suffers an H result, but the effect is not so devastating as to cause the members of the unit to flee in terror. The reverse of this spell, Ruornil's rage, causes a unit to appear so fearsome and terrible as to radiate a palpable aura of magical fear. Any unit that engages a unit affected by this version of the spell must succeed a saving throw or immediately suffer an F result. If the save is successful, the unit is unaffected. This version of the spell lasts one combat round per two levels of the caster. This spell has no effect on undead units in either version. The material components are the priest's holy symbol and 100 tail-feathers from nocturnal birds (such as owls or nighthawks). The feathers must be dipped in silver and allowed to harden before the casting of the spell. The birds cannot be killed to gain the feathers. Gathering these feathers can be as simple or as difficult as the DM warrants. Many temples to Ruornil maintain roosts for these birds. These not only provide a source for the feathers, but serve as a reminder that Ruornil is never far away.